Ring of fire card game rules

Ring of Fire. If we had to draw up a chart of the best drinking games to ever exist in the history of humanity, this one would probably be pretty high up on the list.

A classic at basically every pre-drinks, Freshers event and house party ever, Ring of Fire is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Plus, unlike games such as beer pong, there's little equipment or prep needed. Simply grab a deck of cards, a huge pint glass and a group of willing participant and voilà.

And while learning new dinner party games to mix things up a bit can be fun, there's nothing like getting stuck into an old fave. The joy of being the thumbmaster and seeing that nobody else has noticed yet? Unmatched. Pulling an Ace and everyone screaming "waterfall"? Just a beautiful moment, tbh. What's more, there's definitely no other game guaranteed to get you quiiiite as drunk as Ring of Fire (responsibly, of course). Ah, the hazy memories.

Ring of fire card game rules

2. Now get a group of friends to gather around the table, each person having a cup/bottle of their preferred booze to themselves.

Ring of fire card game rules

3. Before you can start with the game you should know what each card stands for:

  • Ace. Waterfall – Everyone should keep drinking until the person who picked the card stops. So who knows how long you will be going for! 2– is Choose – You can choose someone to drink
  • 3. is Me – You must drink
  • 4. is Wh0re – All girls must drink
  • 5. Thumb Master- When you put your thumb on the table everyone must follow and whomever is last must drink. You are the thumb master till someone else picks a five.
  • 6. is Dicks – All guys drink
  • 7. is Heaven – Point your finger in the sky, whoever is last must drink
  • 8. is Mate – Choose someone to drink with you. He/she, your drinking buddy, should always drink with you.
  • 9. Rhyme – Pick a word such as fog and the person next to you must rhyme with fog, like dog, and it goes to the next person and the next, in a circle, until someone messes up and he or she will have to drink
  • 10. Categories- Pick a category such as football and you go in a circle and everyone has to say a word that fits with football such as: touchdown, field goal, USC. Whoever messes up, drinks.
  • Jack. Make a Rule – You can make up any rule that everyone has to follow, such as you can only drink with your left hand. Everyone (including you) must follow this rule for the whole entire game and if you disobey you must drink.
  • Queen. Questions – Go around in a circle and you have to keep asking questions to each other. Doesn’t matter what the question is, as long as its a question. Whoever messes up and does not say a question, drinks.
  • King. Pour!- You must pour a little of your drink into the cup that is in the middle of the table. Whomever picks up the LAST king must drink the whole cup, which could be filled with different drinks, so who knows how bad it could taste!

4. Now that you know the rules. One person starts off by picking up a card, and whatever the card may be, follow the rule. Go in a circle and keep picking a card till the last King is picked!

More About Ring Of Fire

Ring Of Fire is one of the most popular drinking games in the world, and is played using playing cards. The player must drink and pass round the drinks based on the card drawn. Each card has a rule that is established before the start of the game.

The game is popular among students and those people who like partying in sleepovers. Having a variation of drinks makes this game fun and it is even more fun when the group is bigger.

Every player picks a card and does what the card represents, and it can be anything from choosing someone to take a drink to start a game of categories. When a player draws a king, he pours a quarter of what he is drinking into the middle cup.

The game comes to an end when the last king is drawn. The player who draws the last King has to drink the concoction in the King’s cup to the last drop.

This game has endless variations of the rules. There will be similar rules but any drinking group can omit some rules or add their own. These rules are normally assigned before the start of the game.

Depending on the group rules, the game can end when the last rule card has been drawn, or when the concoction in the King’s cup has been consumed, or when the cards fall off.

The person who knocks off the cards has to drink the concoction in the King’s cup.

Breaking the ring of fire

If someone breaks the ring of cards, he has to drink from the King’s cup. When this happens, the circle is broken and another cup of beer has to be placed at the center and you continue playing.

You need to keep on drinking and playing until the cards are over. Have fun!

Rule Variations

With time you’ll might wanna change the game a bit and introduce a rule or two of your own. At this page you can find several common variations of Kings Cup aka Ring of fire.

  • Print Ring of Fire Rules
  • Ring of Fire Rules Video
  • Kings Cup Rules Variations
  • Fun Card Games for Adults

Tags: how to play ring of fire, how to play ring of fire drinking game, official rules ring of fire, Ring of Fire Rules, ring of fire rules

What is the Ring of Fire game?

Ring of Fire is a drinking game where players draw cards from around the king's cup. Based on the card drawn that player or many players will have to drink according to rules based on the card drawn. The game ends when the last king is drawn and the player drinks from the King's cup.

Can you play Ring of Fire with 2 players?

Ring of Fire is a simple drinking game that can be played at any kind of party. All you need is a deck of cards, a can of beer, and 2 or more people. To start, you take a deck of cards and fan the cards out into an unbroken circle. Place an unopened can of beer in the center.

What do you do if you break the circle in Ring of Fire?

Breaking the ring of fire If someone breaks the ring of cards, he has to drink from the King's cup. When this happens, the circle is broken and another cup of beer has to be placed at the center and you continue playing. You need to keep on drinking and playing until the cards are over. Have fun!