We can define sport in general terms as

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Which of the following is NOT an example of physical activity, as defined in the text?

Human movement in Kinesiology occurs when

there is a change in position of any of your body parts

Professional practice knowledge is most likely to be used when one is

serving as a personal fitness trainer

Which of the following best defines exercise?

physical activity performed to improve the performance, health, or appearance of your body

Holistic Kinesiology focuses on

the physical, emotional, philosophical, and sociocultural aspects of physical activity
(given point)

How does movement differ from physical activity?

Movement is not always voluntary or directed toward a goal.

What is wrong with defining physical activity as "voluntary movement, intentionally performed for specific purposes, that requires a substantial amount of energy"?

It is too narrow and exclusive

Which of the following is the centerpiece to the study of kinesiology?

Which of the following IS NOT one of the benefits of membership in a professional organization such as ACSM or SHAPE America?

It is the only opportunity to experience physical activity in a meaningful way.

Which of the following IS NOT an example of physical activity?

Having one's leg moved by a therapist

Which of the following is a common specialized area of Kinesiology studied in graduate school?

Exercise Physiology, Motor learning &Control, and Biomechanics

What IS NOT a common label that some institutions give to kinesiology departments?

A body of knowledge organized around a certain theme or focus that learned people consider worthy of study is known as

People learn Kinesiology in which of the following ways?

-through professional experience in physical activity
-by studying the scholarship of physical activity
-by performing physical activity

The CDC definition of physical activity is different from the text primarily in that

Kinesiology’s primary parent discipline is

Which of the following IS NOT a fundamental human movement pattern?

Holistic Kinesiology means that it is ___________ in nature

We can define sport in general terms as

a form of physical activity in which a person performs skilled movement to achieve a goal in a manner specified by established rules, usually in competitive contexts

The number of undergraduates majoring in Kinesiology grew by _______ percent between 2003 and 2008.

Which of these is an example of instrumental activities of daily life (IADLs)?

Specialists who apply their knowledge of physiology, biomechanics, anatomy, and psychology in order to improve movements, working environments, and training programs in the workplace are called

A government publication whose purpose is to develop, implement, and evaluate the health goals of the nation is

Healthy People 2000, 2010, 2020

Which of the following is most essential to a leisure experience?

Feeling free from a sense of obligation

Dance and rituals are most appropriately assigned to the

Sphere of self-expression

Which of the following statements best describes the physical activity patterns of most U.S. adults?

They are much less physically active than is required to maintain good health.

Self-sufficiency, self-expression, work, education, leisure, health, and competition are classifications of physical activity experiences. What do these areas suggest?

that physical activity experiences are wide and varied

________ is(are) when you disengage from your everyday life and participate in activities that interest you, this period is your

Competitive swimming is a form of which kind of competition?

What is the best definition of leisure?

an overall feeling that all is well with the world.

body movements used to guide the accommodate conversation

What type of gestures would a third-base coach use to communicate with a runner on second base?

Shot putting, golfing, and swimming are examples of what kind of competitive activity?

side-by-side competitive activities

Which of the following IS NOT considered a sphere of physical activity?

Which of the following is an activity of daily living (ADL)?

When pursued in moderation, with focused goals in a balanced life, physical activity is

Gestures and body language fall within the category (sphere) of ___________, which is one of the categories under the larger sphere of _______________.

self-expression; experiential knowledge of physical activity

Which of the following sports results in the greatest number of injuries in kids?

The word "competition" is derived from a Latin word meaning

Which of the following IS NOT is a priority of the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan?

state and local laws requiring physical activity

The type of experience necessary to produce changes in a skill is called ________, and the relatively permanent changes are called ________.

has acquired low to moderate proficiency in a relatively large number of physical activities

All of the following are true about health-related fitness EXCEPT

Humans differ from animals because humans

can match their movements to much more complex internal plans

The parents' activity level influencing a child's involvement in physical activity is an example of

Which of the following would be considered a closed skill rather than an open skill?

throwing darts at a dartboard

Which of the following correctly describes an underachiever?

an individual who has much ability but fails to practice or train

Which of the following is a characteristic of training?

Physical training results in _________ that improves _________.

genetic adaptation; abilities

What do the terms emotions, cognition, dispositions, knowledge, and meanings reflect?

our subjective physical activity experiences

What is the key to improving our physical activity performances?

accumulating physical activity experiences

Which of the following is NOT a reason subjective experiences are important to physical activity professionals?

They give us something to fall back on when answering clients if our professional knowledge is limited.

A subjective experience that affects our decisions concerning the pursuit of a physical activity is one that is largely determined by

how we feel before, during, and after the physical activity

A woman who runs 2 miles each day only because it helps her maintain her weight may be said to have

an extrinsic orientation to physical activity

The thrill and sense of danger that come with roller coaster riding, bungee jumping, and skydiving are called

Spectators who have knowledge about a sport-including its history, competitive strategies, most important players, equipment, and schedules-are said to

have game spectator knowledge

What are the three types of knowledge embedded in subjective experiences of physical activity?

mystical knowledge, Socratic self-knowledge, psychoanalytic self-knowledge

We are more likely to enjoy physical activity when

its challenges are balanced by our skills and abilities

The process by which we replay our subjective experiences of physical activity is

All of the following are evidence of a subjective experience EXCEPT

getting tired at the end of a race

____________ is a key component of philosophy. This process helps us to better understand what we have experienced in our daily lives.

All of the following are issues in the philosophy of physical activity EXCEPT

passion for physical activity

In the 1960s several prominent physical educators

turned away from education and used philosophical techniques to produce insights about sport

Which form of reasoning starts with specific cases in order to develop broad, general principles?

A person who examines a dance competition and develops a premise to assert that dance should be considered a sport would be using what kind of reasoning?

Which view reflects the belief that subjective experiences are of little value and that humans are complex machines?

From the perspective of mind-body dualism, the mind

is usually considered superior to the body

Which of the following is true of rules that govern games?

Rules tell us what should be accomplished and how we should go about accomplishing it.

Which of the following statements best describes the significance of motor skills?

Motor skills represent the standards of excellence by which players evaluate their performance.

Which of the following statements best describes the significance of competition?

The process of competing in the game is valued as much as the outcomes that result from the play.

In contrast to sport as beneficial duty, sport as delightful play considers

sport participation to be justified by its intrinsic value

When establishing a set of core values, it is important to consider that values

can be moral or nonmoral in nature.

The text outlines behavioral guidelines for sport, which include

caring about your opponent's well-being.

Two main physical educators who were early leaders in expanding the field of sport and distancing exercise philosophy from educational philosophy in the 1960s were

What are the four types of philosophical claims demands the most supporting evidence?

In the holistic kinesiology approach outlined in the text, all of the following are true EXCEPT

Philosophers and scientists don't have a moral obligation to work together.

Which of the following is(are)ethical obligations that sportspeople should have?

-Follow the rules of the sport
-Recognize and celebrate athletic excellence
-Respect your opponent

Philosophy is part of which sphere of physical activity?

Physical activity scholarship

Asking the question, "What really matters in Kinesiology?"' is defined as which form of philosophic thinking?

Taking great pride in your golf score is an example of having which primary value of physical activity?
knowledge of the human body.

One of the overall goals in studying the history of physical activity is to

identify and describe patterns of change and stability in physical activity

The 1920s were known as the

The physical education teaching profession took root in the United States

In the first half of the 20th century, the main focus of school physical education classes was

From 1900 to 1950, scholarship was influenced by which of the following?

The passage of this education amendment helped to create more opportunities for women and girls to participate in sport.

Which of the following best describes the most significant change in physical activity in the latter part of the 20th century?

the focus on health outcomes resulting from physical activity

Which of the following is a primary source of historical evidence?

a newspaper article about the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, written at the time the Games were in progress

Physical Activity History 8
Between 1950 and 2000, physical activity professions

Sport historians would be more interested in which source of information?

1968 baseball player who remembers things well

During what decade did History of Sport and Physical Activity as a subdiscipline of Kinesiology develop a recognizable identity in North America?

Pedro is doing research for a school project. He is reading a book about kinesiology written by an engineer. What type of rule is used in determining the credibility of the source?

By the 1860s, many amateur ____________ teams were on their way to becoming professionalized; common practices by that time included charging admission and paying players.

All of the following are likely jobs for a sport historian EXCEPT

sports medicine specialist

The father of American football was

__________ invented the game of basketball to provide an indoor sport during the winter months.

Which of the following professionals assisted with developing History of Physical Activity and Sport as a subdiscipline of Kinesiology?

-college professors

History of Physical Activity and Sport is a relatively young subdiscipline that was initiated in approximately

One of the first nationally recognized female athletes, who was a Olympian and a professional golfer, was

Which of the following activities came from Europe as immigration grew in America and had a strong influence on physical activity and physical education in the late 19th century?

What is the best definition of exercise?

exercise, the training of the body to improve its function and enhance its fitness.

Which of the following is the best definition of exercise physiology?

Exercise physiology is a specialization within the field of kinesiology. These medical professionals study the body's responses to physical activity as well as how the body adapts to physical activity over time.

How do kinesiologist define physical activity?

Physical activity can be defined as any movement of the body that requires energy expenditure. This includes any motion you do through the day excluding sitting still or lying down.

Which of the following defines kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement, performance and function. The practice of kinesiology incorporates the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy and physiology, and considers neuroscience and psychosocial factors.