What age is too late for braces?

Braces are a common feature of many people's teen years, and the ages between 10 and 16 are considered optimal for orthodontic treatment because that's when it's easiest to move teeth around. But if you missed that window, it's not too late. You're never too old for braces!

There's really no age limit for braces except in a very broad sense. Children shouldn't get braces placed on their baby teeth, for example; they should wait until they have their adult teeth. But once the adult teeth are in, the only contraindications for braces are health-related, not age-related. If you have bone loss in your jaw, braces may not do much good. But if your teeth and jaw are fine, and you're simply in your later years, braces are still an option.

Teeth can move very slowly over time. What may have been an aesthetically pleasing smile in your teens and 20s could become uneven enough by, say, your 40s or 50s to warrant orthodontic intervention. And it's not unusual to see older adults seek orthodontic treatment. It may seem so only because many adults use clear tray systems like Invisalign instead of getting traditional cemented-bracket braces. In other words, you literally don't see their braces, even though they have them.

Younger teens that need orthodontic treatment generally end up with traditional braces. The older you get, though, the more options you have. Invisalign and similar systems are available, and if the alignment problems are slight - maybe you have only one or two teeth that need to be straightened a little - you may be able to get by with a set of in-house aligners that you have adjusted every couple of weeks.

At Fruge Orthodontics we offer several orthodontic options for adults who need braces. Contact us at 225-292-6991 to schedule a complimentary consultation today.

Let’s talk about your age and orthodontic treatment. Could you start wearing braces at the age of 25? Would we recommend you start at an earlier or later age?

Starting this specialized treatment requires considering many things. One important factor is age. Here at Children’s Braces and Dentistry, we like to remind parents that it is crucial they make the best possible use of time.

Dr. Surillo holds certifications in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. As such, he and the rest of the team are very interested in helping young children work on their teeth and jaw alignment as soon as possible. Still, if an adult seeks guidance to achieve a proper bite relationship, we won’t ever tell them that the ship has sailed.

Fortunately, adults are not on a ticking clock for orthodontics, as it’s never too late to wear orthodontic braces.

We think that qualifies as great news for all our adult patients. To answer that question in the back of your mind, yes, you can put on braces at 23.

Join us in discussing why parents should consider taking their kids to an orthodontist as soon as possible and what happens when you start treatment as an adult.

Why We Insist On Early Treatment and Braces for Children

We strongly agree with evidence suggesting that early orthodontic treatment helps ensure a better quality of life and dental health.

The main reasons why we recommend parents bring their children for a consultation with an orthodontist include preventing severe dental health problems during adulthood and guiding proper jaw and permanent teeth development.

Initially, we won’t ask children to start wearing braces to correct the alignment of permanent and primary teeth; instead, we help guide their growth and avoid common issues like overcrowding and speech difficulties. In the best of cases, we completely eliminate the need to use corrective orthodontic appliances; mostly, such initial treatments make phase II orthodontics much shorter and less painful.

Truly, there are many reasons why we insist you take your child to an orthodontist by age 7.

Avoiding developmental complications helps your child fully integrate into their social circles. Likewise, such a specialized treatment can help your kid’s self-esteem throughout some of the most socially challenging years of their life.

When Should a Child First Go to an Orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that parents should take their kids to an orthodontist around age 7 because, more often than not, this is the ideal time for orthodontic reviews.

It’s not just about avoiding dental health problems. Children and teenagers have to develop and growing bones as part of their aging process. Orthodontists can leverage these natural movements to guide the patient’s teeth into the proper alignment.

Besides, at this stage, you can still see some primary teeth still in the patient’s mouth, meaning you can work to create sufficient space for the upcoming permanent teeth without struggling too much.

Can You Get Braces at Any Age?

When we say “adult braces,” we refer to orthodontic treatment that starts after the patient’s jawbones have fully developed and all primary teeth (except for the third molars or wisdom teeth) have erupted. Please remember what we said earlier; you’re not too old, and you cannot be too old to start orthodontic treatment.

You can be 19, 25, or 60; what’s important here is that you should start your treatment only when you’re comfortable with the requirements and when your dental health is strong enough to withstand the motion and forces that characterize orthodontics.

Facing the Dental Health Challenges of Age

That final point is crucial. Keep in mind that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the risk of suffering from periodontal disease increases with age. Periodontal Disease makes orthodontic care challenging because of how it weakens your dental structures. As the periodontal tissues in your mouth, meaning your gums, recede and your bone tissue erodes, your teeth lose stability.

Similarly, your teeth’ outer layers erode, and your tooth’s root becomes exposed. At such stages, you are at risk of tooth loss. Your teeth won’t be as strong and may not resist the movements necessary as part of the required orthodontic treatment.

The problem is severe. Your teeth’ malalignment can lead to complications in your oral hygiene. As your dental care routines fail, your oral health gets compromised; thus, you develop complications such as periodontitis that weaken your teeth and make orthodontic treatment nearly impossible.

Fortunately, not every patient arrives at such extremes.

It’s important that adult patients receive help from a periodontist before they start orthodontic care. According to this research paper, any patient can benefit from careful coordination between an orthodontist and a periodontist during treatment.

Finally, you should consider that your bone structures have stopped growing, and your dental care may require additional surgical interventions if there are any developmental complications left untreated.

At what Age Can You Get Braces?

With age comes wisdom.

Yes, we may not truly ever know everything we have to, but adults are more careful about how they spend their money.

According to this study, adults are more successful than younger patients when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Older individuals looking for adult braces and other orthodontic treatment options are better at following professional recommendations about their treatment.

In short, older patients won’t unnecessarily put at risk their adult braces just to eat some occasional popcorn; similarly, adult patients understand the value of their treatment and will avoid neglecting their dental hygiene routine.

Alternatives to Adult Braces

The good news is that you won’t have to settle for traditional metal braces for your treatment. Many adults who are worried about their age at the start of treatment will also share questions about the practicality of conventional braces made of stainless steel.

You won’t have to worry too much about that when you come to our practice for treatment. Adults don’t have to limit themselves to traditional treatment options because recent innovations allow patients to complete their treatment with discreet appliances.

Invisalign® Clear Aligners

This is a favored option for many of our patients regardless of age. Adults like Invisalign because the removable clear aligners won’t attract any unwanted attention throughout their treatment. You will have to be attentive and avoid some beverages, such as red wine and black tea.

You’ll still get to enjoy incredible perks. Since the non-BPA plastic trays are removable, any patient can simply pop them off and eat their meals without complications or brush and floss their teeth to avoid the risk of tooth decay during their treatment.

A word of caution, though, since Invisalign’s official FAQ specifies that you should wear your aligner trays anywhere from 20 to 22 hours every day to maintain treatment efficiency. So even if you can take off your aligners whenever you want, you shouldn’t do so at any turn.

Clear Ceramic Braces

If you still want to leverage the principles that make conventional braces so reliable in the field of orthodontics but would rather avoid the typical “metal-face” look that comes with stainless steel braces, you can turn to clear ceramic braces.

This alternative functions just as any set of traditional dental braces. The brackets hold a wire that gradually pushes and pulls your teeth into the ideal position to realign your bite. However, the greatest difference is in the materials used to manufacture this variation.

The ceramic composites saw development initially for the space exploration programs of NASA. We’re not even joking; NASA published an article about this story on their site. The materials saw a commercial introduction to the field of orthodontics in the 80s, helping teenagers and adults complete their treatments and avoid unwanted attention during graduation photo days or job interviews.

Consult With a Professional About Your Adult Braces

When you are considering orthodontic care with traditional braces to get straight teeth and the smile you deserve, you should consult with a professional. Find the nearest and best orthodontist near you and schedule an appointment.

Parents hoping to help their children achieve the best possible version of their smile should get in touch and set an appointment with a dental specialist that truly understands what they need at their current age.

Please, the team at Children’s Braces and Dentistry wants to remind you that adults can wear conventional metal braces and many other orthodontic appliances to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile regardless of their age. You’ll just have to get in touch with a qualified orthodontics specialist about what’s required for your treatment and when to start your journey towards a beautiful smile and good oral health.

Is 35 too late for braces?

There is no age limit for this kind of corrective treatment, so don't be put off by the stereotypes. You can use brace to correct misaligned teeth at any age, just so long as your teeth and gums are reasonably strong and healthy.

Is it too late for braces at 19?

If you're thinking about correcting your smile with braces as an adult, it isn't too late. While braces are commonly thought of as a treatment for children or teenagers, they can actually be used for anyone of virtually any age – once most of the adult teeth have emerged.

Is it worth getting braces at 40?

Crooked or missing teeth can be embarrassing, and they may even affect your dental health. The good news is that you can get your teeth straightened no matter your age. Braces aren't just for kids. Even adults aged 50 and over can benefit from treatment by an orthodontist.

Is it OK to get braces at 30?

So long as you have healthy teeth and gums, you can enjoy straighter teeth even if you're already in your 30s or 40s! In fact, there's no age limit to having your teeth straightened. Besides, straighter teeth from braces don't only make your smile better and more dazzling.