What does Red Bull taste like Reddit

Honestly, it's a unique taste and I can't describe it, other than sort of tingly metallic flavor. It's not really comparable to anything I can think of. Most people don't really like it dislike the flavor, since you're drinking it for affect. Not the worst tasting thing, but I wouldn't call it good either.

If it had no caffeine, I would never choose to drink it.

So it's bubbly and carbonated like soda. It's sweet and sour, but there's an underlying flavor that's hard to describe unless you've drunken many sodas. It's the caffeine flavor, almost a metallic taste.

I'm not entirely sure if people drink it for the flavor like soda, but I'm sure they prefer it to other energy drinks for when they need an energy drink. I definitely like it better than Monster or Rock Star.

What does Red Bull taste like?

Red Bull is known for tasting different than other energy drinks. It has a slightly sour taste almost comparable to the taste of tamarind or licorice, and is carbonated and sweet. Tangy and citrus are two more words that come to mind when describing the flavor.

Does Red Bull taste like bubble gum?

There are numerous theories concerning Red Bull's true flavor. Some say it's like a liquid bubble gum candy. Others claim there's a little bit of metallic taste due to the caffeine. And some say the tangy, sweet-tart taste stands out more.

Does Red Bull taste like beer?

Red Bull has a distinct taste that is different from the taste of alcohol. Red Bull has a sweet taste and contains fruity flavors in some of its cans. Red Bull is a carbonated drink so it can have a fizzy taste to some. It also has a grapefruit/strawberry flavor because of the taurine present in the energy drink.

Does Red Bull taste like caffeine?

Quick Answer: What Does Red Bull Taste Like? Red bull has a distinct flavor depending upon the variety. Generally, it has a carbonated taste with a sweet and sour taste. Then it finally concludes with a caffeine taste once you swallow it down your gullet.