What to let go of in the new year?

Last Updated on December 15, 2020

The past year was full of changes for me as I’m sure it was for you. And as most years do, this one went by at the speed of light. So much so that I haven’t had a chance to reflect on anything that’s happened – the good and the bad.

With the new year approaching, it’s important to let go of any baggage that’s weighing you down and make space for what’s to come.

What to let go of in the new year?

January is a time to start afresh, but you have to address the things that held you back in the previous year. Otherwise, you risk falling into similar habits and chasing the same dreams without success.

If you’re ready to make some space in your life – physically, mentally, and emotionally – here are 10 things you should let go of before the new year rolls around.

10 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year

1. Fear of the future

Most of us feel motivated at the start of a new year with excitement around our new goals. That being said, the new year can also be daunting. You might not have a solid plan or bucket list for your future, and things might feel more unknown than ever. If you’ve been feeling unsure of where you’re headed or what the future might hold, don’t stress. When you try to imagine a whole year in front of you, it’s only going to cause you to panic. Instead, take things day-by-day and don’t feel like you have to have your whole life figured out before the new year starts.

2. The need to be busy

Over the past few years, self-care has become one of the most talked-about topics. Even so, I still don’t think we’re taking self-care seriously. Most of us feel the pressure to stay busy from societal expectations, but it can also come from avoiding the things you need to address in your life. Let go of the need to be busy and embrace self-care to the fullest next year.

3. Bad spending habits

How was this year for you in terms of money? Did you find yourself spending more than you should have? Look through your past spending history and see if there’s one area where you can cut down (Starbucks, is that you?) and make a goal for the new year. If your goal is to pay off debt, The Budget Mom is a great resource.

4. People on your timeline who drain your energy

Cutting people out of your life is easier said than done, but it’s a lot easier to control on social media. If you’re following people who anger you, post too much, make you feel jealous, or make you feel negative – unfollow them. If you can go beyond the timeline and cut out negative friendships and relationships IRL, that’s even better.

Related Post: How To Unplug From The World When You Need A Break

5. Criticism of what you didn’t accomplish

Though the end of the year is a time to reflect on the good, it can bring up a lot of regrets and ‘should-haves’. If you review the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year and find that you haven’t accomplished them yet, don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s always time.

6. The need to figure everything out

As put together as other people may seem, it’s rare to find anyone whose life turned out the way they planned it. Instead of forcing yourself to try and ‘figure your life out’, give yourself a little space to let life happen to you. Amazing things happen when you least expect them to. Getting frustrated because you haven’t figured things out isn’t worth it.

7. Physical clutter

Physical clutter can have a huge impact on your mental state of being. If your space is brimming with things you don’t need, consider making some physical space for the new year. Get rid of clothes you’ve never worn, declutter your home, and create a peaceful space around you.

8. Fear that you won’t be successful

When you tell yourself that you’ll never get anywhere, the chances of you getting anywhere are pretty slim. Use the time before the new year to reflect on the thoughts you have about yourself and your abilities. Your mindset plays a huge role in your success (whatever success means to you) so make this next year the year of believing in yourself.

9. Lack of self-discipline

I mentioned in this post that self-discipline is such an important part of self-care, and it’s also an important part of achieving your goals. These days, everything and everyone is competing for your attention. Without self-discipline, you risk getting distracted by everything. If you have the ability to do what you say you’ll do and stay focused, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with.

10. The need to be in control

Stress happens when you feel like you’re not in control. The hard truth is that you’re not in control of most things in your life. You can rarely predict how the next chapter of your life will play out, so avoid wasting your energy on trying to control everything. Accept that you cannot control the circumstances of your life, but you CAN control your reactions to the circumstances.

What are you letting go of for next year?

I’d love to hear what your goals are for next year and what you plan to let go of before January 1 rolls around. Leave a comment below with your thoughts!

What are good things to let go of?

20 Things to Let Go of in 2022.
Fear of the future. ... .
The illusion of control. ... .
The need for more things. ... .
Clutter in all its forms. ... .
Guilt about letting go. ... .
Frogs you haven't eaten in. ... .
Bad money habits. ... .
Toxic relationships..

How do you let go of the past and start the new year?

HOW TO LET GO OF THE PAST (And Start The New Year).
Change Your Morning Routine. ENERGY FLOWS WHERE FOCUS GOES. ... .
Download Happy Not Perfect. OK, I'm biased as it's my app, but it truly works and is based on centuries of science and research. ... .
Move Your Body. ... .
Manifest. ... .
Boundaries. ... .
Values. ... .
Simplify Your Life. ... .
Sleep Routine..

What to let go of to be happy?

13 Things To Let Go Of To Be Happy.
Overthinking. It really kills your happiness. ... .
Pleasing everyone. If you are trying to please everyone, you will end up being unpleased with yourself. ... .
Comparison. ... .
Self doubt. ... .
Past. ... .
Mistakes & Heartbreak. ... .
Anger/Resentment. ... .
Worrying about future..

How do you let go of something you want?

8 ways to start letting things go.
Put your pain into words. ... .
Make the commitment to let go. ... .
Accept things as they are. ... .
Stop blaming others. ... .
Forgive yourself and others. ... .
Find support in people who fulfill you. ... .
Focus on the things that give you joy right now. ... .
Don't be scare to seek professional help..