Which expression is equivalent to x^2+2x+2

Equivalent Expression Calculator is a free online tool that displays the equivalent expressions for the given algebraic expression. BYJU’S online equivalent expression calculator tool makes the calculations and simplification faster and it displays the equivalent expression in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Equivalent Expression Calculator?

The procedure to use the equivalent expression calculator is as follows:
Step 1: Enter an algebraic expression in the input field
Step 2: Now click the button “Submit” to get the equivalent expression
Step 3: Finally, the equivalent expression for the given algebraic expression will be displayed in a new window.

What is an Algebraic Expression?

An algebraic expression is an expression which consists of variables, coefficients, constants, and mathematical operators such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Generally, if two things are the same, then it is called equivalent. Similarly, in mathematics, the equivalent expressions are the expressions that are the same, even though the expression looks different. But if the values are plugged in the expression, both the expressions give the same result.


Write the equivalent expression for the given expression: 3x+9
Given expression: 3x+9
Take 3 outside from the expression, we get,
= 3(x+3), which is called the equivalent expression


Which expression is equivalent to x^2+2x+2


Grade 12 · 2021-05-27

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Which expression is equivalent to Which expression is equivalent to x2+2x+2 ? - Gauthmath

Which expression is equivalent to x^2+2x+2


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Shane S.


5 months, 2 weeks ago

Video Answer:

Which expression is equivalent to x^2+2x+2

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We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

Which of the following is an equivalent form of the expression (2x -2)2 _ (x ~2) 2x2 _ 6x + 6 4x2 _ 1Ox+2 (2x- 21(2x-2) (x 3)(2x 2)


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Video Transcript

We need to find the factor form of the function that we have given. So, first of all, we can see that we can factor out 2 x minus 2 point, so we can write here: 2 x, minus 2. Minus one. Right now, your 2 x will be the same and minus 2. That's minus 3 point. Our final answer is 2 x, minus 2, or you can write 2 x, minus 3, or 2 x, minus 3. This is the final answer and found option. Here, you can see that option d is the correct answer. I would like to thank you.

What expression is equivalent to 2x2 2x7?

Summary: The expression which is equivalent to 2x2 - 2x + 7 is (x - 0.5 - √13i / 2)(x - 0.5 + √13i / 2).

Which of the following expressions is equivalent to x 2 2x 5?

Solution : Choice D is correct. The numerator of the given expression can be rewritten in terms of the denominator, x – 3, as follows: `x^2-2x-5=x^2 -3x +x -3 -2`, which is equivalent to `x(x-3)+(x-3) -2`.

Which expression is equivalent to sqrt 80?

√80 = √(2)2. √(2)2 √3. √80 = 4√5. Therefore, the square root of 80 in radical form is 4√5.

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This is Expert Verified Answer The expressions is equivalent to z + z+z + z would be 4z.