Why do shows become unavailable on Netflix?

If you see one of the following errors:

Netflix is Currently Unavailable
Netflix is currently unavailable. Please check your internet connection, or go to www.netflix.com/support for more information

It typically indicates that your app requires an update, or points to a network connectivity issue that is preventing your device from reaching the Netflix service. Follow the troubleshooting steps for your device below to resolve the issue.

Apple TV

Go to Netflix.com on a web browser

  1. Using a computer, phone, or tablet, connect to the same network or Wi-Fi as the device with the problem.

  2. Open a web browser and go to netflix.com/clearcookies.

  3. From the top right, click Sign In.

  4. Sign in to your Netflix account.

    • If you get the error NSEZ-403, it means we can't connect your account to Netflix right now. Try again later.

    • If you don't get an error, continue to the next steps.

Restart your device

  1. Turn off your device. If your device has a power cable, unplug it.

  2. Make sure your device is completely off, not just in sleep or standby mode.

  3. Leave your device off for 15 seconds.

  4. Turn on your device and try Netflix again.

Update the firmware on your Apple TV

  1. From the Apple TV main menu, select Settings.

  2. Select General.

  3. Select Software Updates.

  4. Select Update Software/Update automatically.

  5. Select Download and Install.

  6. Once the update is complete, try Netflix again.​


If your Apple TV displays the message Your Apple TV is up to date and you are on a version lower than 6.2.1, we recommend contacting Apple or visiting Apple's support site for assistance. To check your firmware version, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Apple TV main menu, select Settings.

  2. Select General.

  3. Select About.

  4. Verify that your software version is 6.2.1 or above.

Update your network settings

  1. From the main menu, select Settings.

  2. Select General.

  3. Select Network.

  4. Select Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

    • For Wi-Fi

      1. Select your Wi-Fi network.

      2. Select Configure IP, then Automatic.

      3. Select Configure DNS, then Automatic.

    • For Ethernet:

      1. Select Ethernet.

      2. Select Configure IP, then Automatic.

      3. Select Configure DNS, then Automatic.

  5. Press Menu until you are returned to the main menu of the Apple TV.

Once you've completed these steps, or if your DNS settings were already set to "Automatic," try connecting to Netflix again.

Test your internet connection

  1. From the main Apple TV menu, navigate to Settings.

  2. Select General.

  3. Select Network.

  4. Select Test Network.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Select Yes.

  7. Select the download speed you expect from your internet connection.

If the connection test fails, see Apple's support site for help troubleshooting your Apple TV's connection to your home network. If the test succeeds, continue on to the next step.

Restart your home network

  1. Turn off your device, then unplug your modem and router from power.

  2. After 30 seconds, plug in your modem and router.

  3. Wait 1 minute, then turn on your device.

  4. Try Netflix again.


Some devices, modems, and routers might take longer to reconnect to the Internet.

Reset all settings on your Apple TV


Resetting all settings on your Apple TV (also known as a "hard reset") may clear any saved data or passwords (including Wi-Fi passwords) currently stored on the Apple TV. Perform these steps with caution if other troubleshooting steps haven't resolved the issue.

  1. Press and hold the Menu button on the Apple TV remote until you are taken to the home screen.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Select General.

  4. Select Reset.

  5. Select Reset All Settings.

  6. Confirm that you would like to Reset All Settings.

Your Apple TV will reset itself and guide you through the initial setup process. Once you've completed setup, sign in to the Netflix app and try streaming again.

Contact your internet service provider

If the steps don't fix the problem, contact your internet service provider (ISP) for help fixing a network connection issue.

Your ISP can:

  • Check for an internet outage in your area.

  • Fix common router or modem issues and incorrect network settings.

  • Restart or reset your network's connection.

While talking with your ISP, let them know:

  • Whether the issue happens only on one device, or other devices on the same network.

  • Whether your device connects using Wi-Fi or directly using a cable.

Before you finish talking with your ISP:

  • Using a web browser, go to fast.com to test your internet speed and connection directly to Netflix.

  • Try playing Netflix again to make sure the problem is fixed.

iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Go to Netflix.com on a web browser

  1. Using a computer, phone, or tablet, connect to the same network or Wi-Fi as the device with the problem.

  2. Open a web browser and go to netflix.com/clearcookies.

  3. From the top right, click Sign In.

  4. Sign in to your Netflix account.

    • If you get the error NSEZ-403, it means we can't connect your account to Netflix right now. Try again later.

    • If you don't get an error, continue to the next steps.

Update the Netflix app

  1. From the Home screen, tap the App Store icon.

  2. Tap Search, then enter "Netflix" in the search box.

  3. Tap Netflix, then tap Update.

    • If asked, enter your Apple ID password.

  4. Once the update is complete, try Netflix again.

  • Billing and Payments
  • How to download titles to watch offline
  • How to create, change, or delete profiles
  • Netflix isn't working
  • How to search and browse Netflix

Why is a Netflix show suddenly unavailable?

It typically indicates that your app requires an update, or points to a network connectivity issue that is preventing your device from reaching the Netflix service.

Why is some content not available on Netflix?

While we do own the worldwide rights for most Netflix originals, sometimes these titles aren't available in a country or region for the following reasons: The title was created before Netflix was available or able to acquire the exclusive rights. Other companies may have the rights to the title for a region.

Why are some shows unavailable?

Streaming rights for shows vary for each country. Therefore, it is possible that a show is taken down in a matter of a day when the streaming contract is over. In such cases, you will get a “video unavailable” error.