Zip code for plant city florida

Zip Code 33563 Profile

Zip Code 33563 is located in the state of Florida in the Metro Tampa Saint Petersburg metro area. Zip code 33563 is primarily located in Hillsborough County. The official US Postal Service name for 33563 is PLANT CITY, Florida. Portions of zip code 33563 are contained within or border the city limits of Plant City, FL, . The area code for zip code 33563 is 813. 33563 can be classified socioeconically as a Lower Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in Florida.

The current unemployment level in 33563 is 3.0% which is lower than the current county unemployment level of 4.5% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 2.9% and lower than the current national unemployment rate at 3.9%.

The majority ethnicity residing in 33563 is White while the majority ethnicity attending 33563 public schools is Hispanic. 68.7% of students in 33563 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs.

Post Office City:Plant City, FL (View All Cities)
County: Hillsborough County
Timezone: Eastern (3:32pm)
Area code: 813 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates:28.02, -82.13
ZIP (~4 mile radius)

Cities in ZIP code 33563

The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 33563. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. The city for 33563 is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays.

Primary/preferred city:Plant City, FL

Stats and Demographics for the 33563 ZIP Code

ZIP code 33563 is located in central Florida and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly higher than average population density.

The people living in ZIP code 33563 are primarily white. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of young adults is large. There are also an extremely large number of single parents and a small number of families. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 33563 ZIP code is large compared to other areas of the country.

Population Density1,726 people per sq mi
Housing Units10,224
Median Home Value$109,300

Land Area14.77 sq mi
Water Area0.45 sq mi
Occupied Housing Units8,900
Median Household Income$38,297

Estimated Population over Time

Total Population by Age

Median Age: 32 Male Median Age: 31 Female Median Age: 34

Male Female Total
Under 5 1,080 1,096 2,176
5-9 1,042 988 2,030
10-14 964 906 1,870
15-19 926 967 1,893
20-24 948 917 1,865
25-29 984 984 1,968
30-34 864 897 1,761
35-39 821 810 1,631
40-44 791 868 1,659
45-49 783 804 1,587
50-54 752 739 1,491
55-59 595 699 1,294
60-64 562 637 1,199
65-69 380 514 894
70-74 335 435 770
75-79 248 346 594
80-84 151 259 410
85 Plus 112 284 396



 Male12,338 48%
 Female13,150 52%



 White16,557 65.0%
 Black Or African American4,542 17.8%
 American Indian Or Alaskan Native176 0.7%
 Asian208 0.8%
 Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander12 0.0%
 Other Race3,358 13.2%
 Two Or More Races635 2.5%

Head of Household by Age

Owner Renter Total
15-24 70 392 462
25-34 548 1,041 1,589
35-44 874 821 1,695
45-54 1,055 639 1,694
55-64 1,024 425 1,449
65-74 770 286 1,056
75-84 523 169 692
85 Plus 208 55 263

Families vs Singles

Families vs Singles

 Husband Wife Family Households3,898 44%
 Single Guardian2,290 26%
 Singles2,147 24%
 Singles With Roommate565 6%

Households with Kids

Households with Kids

Average Household Size: 3
 Households without Kids5,329 60%
 Households with Kids3,571 40%

Children by Age

Male Female Total
1 209 210 419
2 230 236 466
3 199 222 421
4 221 196 417
5 211 234 445
6 214 177 391
7 205 186 391
8 219 203 422
9 193 188 381
10 203 177 380
11 201 194 395
12 189 178 367
13 187 184 371
14 184 173 357
15 181 204 385
16 190 215 405
17 179 205 384
18 194 170 364
19 182 173 355
20 198 179 377

Real Estate and Housing

ZIP code 33563 has a slightly less than average percentage of vacancies. The Census also indicates that there are one or more nursing homes nearby.

The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. Homes in ZIP code 33563 were primarily built in the 1980s or the 2000s. Looking at 33563 real estate data, the median home value of $109,300 is slightly less than average compared to the rest of the country. It is also extremely low compared to nearby ZIP codes. 33563 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas. Rentals in 33563 are most commonly 2 bedrooms. The rent for 2 bedrooms is normally $750-$999/month including utilities. 3+ bedrooms are also common and rent for $1,000+/month. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 33563 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences.

For more information, see Plant City, FL house value.

Housing Type

Housing Type

 In Occupied Housing Units25,189 98.8%
 Correctional Facility For Adults0 0.0%
 Juvenile Facilities0 0.0%
 Nursing Facilities118 0.5%
 Other Institutional0 0.0%
 College Student Housing0 0.0%
 Military Quarters0 0.0%
 Other Noninstitutional181 0.7%

Year Housing was Built

Housing Occupancy

Housing Occupancy

 Owned Households With A Mortgage3,501 34%
 Owned Households Free & Clear1,571 15%
 Renter Occupied Households3,828 37%
 Households Vacant1,324 13%

Vacancy Reasons

Vacancy Reasons

 For Rent524 39.6%
 Rented & Unoccupied13 1.0%
 For Sale Only205 15.5%
 Sold & Unoccupied27 2.0%
 For Season Recreational Or Occasional Use166 12.5%
 For Migrant Workers2 0.2%
 Vacant For Other Reasons387 29.2%

Owner Occupied Home Values

Rental Properties by Number of Rooms

Rental Properties by Number of Rooms

 Studio Apartment106 3%
 1 Bedroom737 18%
 2 Bedroom1,775 42%
 3+ Bedroom1,590 38%

Cost of Monthly Rent Including Utilities

Cost of a Studio Apartment

Cost of a 1 Bedroom

Cost of a 2 Bedroom

Cost of a 3+ Bedroom

Employment, Income, Earnings, and Work

The median household income of $38,297 is compared to the rest of the country. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. While money isn't everything, residents in ZIP code 33563 earn less than in other parts of town.

As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour. A slightly higher than average number of commuters in 33563 can expect to fall in that range. It is very uncommon, compared to the rest of the US, for employees to have to travel more than 45 minutes to their place of employment.

Employment Status

Employment Status

 Worked Full-time with Earnings7,902 40%
 Worked Part-time with Earnings4,559 23%
 No Earnings7,211 37%

Average Household Income over Time

Household Income

Annual Individual Earnings

Sources of Household Income

Percent of Households Receiving Income

Average Income per Household by Income Source

* Only taxable income is reported.

Household Investment Income

Percent of Households Receiving Investment Income

Average Income per Household by Income Source

* Only taxable income is reported.

Household Retirement Income

Percent of Households Receiving Retirement Income

Average Income per Household by Income Source

* Only taxable income is reported.

Source of Earnings

Source of Earnings

 Worked Full-time with Earnings7,902 40%
 Worked Part-time with Earnings4,559 23%
 No Earnings7,211 37%

Means Of Transportation To Work for Workers 16 and Over

Means Of Transportation To Work for Workers 16 and Over

 Car, truck, or van10,174 92.7%
 Public transportation55 0.5%
 Taxicab0 0.0%
 Motorcycle7 0.1%
 Bicycle, Walked, or Other Means499 4.5%
 Worked at Home243 2.2%

Travel Time to Work (In Minutes)

Schools and Education

The percentage of people that did not graduate high school is among the highest in the nation. Despite the lower high school graduation rates, compared to other ZIPs, a much higher percentage of the population has received a college degree.

Educational Attainment For The Population 25 Years And Over

Educational Attainment For The Population 25 Years And Over

 Less than High School Diploma4,143 25.2%
 High School Graduate9,199 55.9%
 Associate's degree1,272 7.7%
 Bachelor's degree1,189 7.2%
 Master's degree510 3.1%
 Professional school degree75 0.5%
 Doctorate degree65 0.4%

School Enrollment (Ages 3 to 17)

School Enrollment (Ages 3 to 17)

 Enrolled in Public School5,348 86.0%
 Enrolled in Private School252 4.1%
 Not Enrolled in School616 9.9%

Schools in ZIP Code 33563

ZIP Code 33563 is in the following school districts: Hillsborough School District and Private. There are 14 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 33563.

Simmons Exceptional Center
1202 W Grant St
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Hillsborough School District

Simmons Career Center
1202 W Grant St
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Hillsborough School District

Bryan Elementary School
2006 W Oak Ave
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Hillsborough School District

Jackson Elementary School
502 E Gilchrist St
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Hillsborough School District

Marshall Middle School
18 S Maryland Ave
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Middle/Elementary
District: Hillsborough School District

Tomlin Middle School
501 N Woodrow Wilson St
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Middle/Elementary
District: Hillsborough School District

Wilson Elementary School
702 W English St
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Hillsborough School District

Burney Elementary School
901 S Evers St
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Hillsborough School District

Plant City High School
1 Raider Pl
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Hillsborough School District

Faith Christian Academy
905 W Terrace Dr
Plant City, FL 33563
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Private

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What is Plant City Florida known for?

The Winter Strawberry Capital of the World Today, over 3/4 of the nation's midwinter strawberries come from Plant City. At the Florida Strawberry Festival, held each winter, you can taste some of the finest shortcake, pie, and cobblers made from the freshest strawberries in the land.

What is your zip or postal code?

A postal code (ZIP code) is the unique number of a post office or a mail sorting center. If your country has a postal code system (majority of countries have one) it is important that you provide a correct Postal (ZIP) code for your delivery address.

What zip code is 33567?

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