What happens when you mix aluminum and sodium hydroxide?

I was curious as to how this reaction proceeds, upon googling the equation it is found that NaOH and Al react to form sodium aluminate and Hydrogen gas, however Aluminum forms an oxide pretty fast upon being exposed to air. That being said, upon looking at the reaction between aluminum oxide and sodium hydroxide it appears water is formed in place of hydrogen gas.

Now I dont have a strong inorganic chemistry background yet, so I may already have led myself astray, but is it safe to say the reaction between sodium hydroxide and aluminum foil or piping is actually two part? First the oxide layer is reacted with the sodium hydroxide, producing water, and once this layer is gone elemental aluminum can start to react forming hydrogen gas?

Once again, a question formed from random curiousity, but I cant seem to understand why most sources seem to neglect the oxide layer of aluminum in this reaction, especially since it forms so fast.
