When a life insurance application is completed a policy summary must be given to the applicant the policies summary must include?

Page 2

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 3

Page 4

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 5

Page 6

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 7

Page 8

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 9

Page 10

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 11

Page 12

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 13

Page 14

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 15

Page 16

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 17

Page 18

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 19

Page 20

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 21

Page 22

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

Page 23

Page 24

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if

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Page 26

A satement in close proximity to the Life Insurance Core Indexes as follows. An explanation of the
Incen.sed use of these indexes is provided in the Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

The Policy Summary must consist of 1 sponte document. All information required to be discloxd must be at out In wch manner as to not minimize or render any portion thereol obscure. Any amounts which remain level lor two or more yeus of the policy may be represented by a single number if it is clearly indicurd what amounts are applicable for each policy year. Amounts in item 5 of this section shall be listed in corn, not ono per thousand nor per unic basis of more than one insured is covered under one policy or rider, guaranteed desch benerics shall be displayed separately for each insured or for each class of insureds il death benefits do not differ within the clus.

Zero amounts shall be displayed u zero and shall not be displayed us a blank space. Secdon S. Disclosure Requirements.

The Insurer shall provide, to all prospective purchasers, • Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary prior to accepting the applicant's Iniod premium or premium deposit, unless the policy for which application is made contain an unconditional refund provision of at least ten days or unless the Policy Summary contains such an unconditional refund offer, in which event the Buyer's Guide and Policy Summary must be delivered with the policy or prior to delivery of the policy.

The insurer shall provide a Buyer's Guide and a Policy Summary to any prospective purchakt upon request

In the case of policies whoxe Equivalent Level Death Benefit does not exceed $5,000, the requirement for providing • Policy Sur mary will be satisfied by delivery of a written statement contaiging the informacion described in Section 4(G), items 2, 3, 4, 50, sb, sc, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Esch insurer shall maintain at its home office or principal office, i complete file containing one copy of much document suthorized by the insurer for use pursuant to this regulation. Such file shall contain one copy of such authorized form for a period of three years following the date of its last authorized ux. An agent shall inform the prospective purchaser, prior to commencing a life insurance sales presentation, that he is acting as a life insurance agent and inform the prospective purchase of the full name of the insurance company which he is representing 'o the buyer. In sales situations in which an agent is not involved, the insurer shall identify los full name,

Terms such as financial planner, investment advisor, financial consultant, or financial counseling shall not be used in auch a way as to imply that the insurance agent is generally engaged in an advisory business in which compensation is unrelated to was unless much is actually the cuk.

Any reference to policy dividends must include a statement that dividends are not guaranceed.

A system or presentation which does not recognize the time value of money through the use of appropriate interest adjustments shall not be used for comparing the cost of no or more life insurance policies. Such a system may be used for the purpose of demonstrating the cash now pattern of a policy is such presentation is accompanied by statement disclosing that the presentation does not recognize that, because of interest, a dollar in the future has lewe value than a dolier today.

A presenudon of benefits shall not display quaranceed and non puaranteed benefits as a single rum unlew they are shown sparately in clox proximity thereto.

A statement regarding the use of the Life Insurance Cose Indexes shall include an explanation to the effect chut the Indexes are useful only for the comparison of the relative costs of two or more similar policies.

A Ufe Insurance Cose Index which reflects dividends or an Equivalent Level Annual Dividend shall be accompanied
by a statement that he is based on the company's current dividend scale and is not guaranteed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the annual premium for a basic policy or rider, for which the company reserves
the right to change the premium, shall be the maximuin annual premium.

Seedon 7. Fellure to comply.

Pallure of an insurer to provide or deliver a Buyer's Guide, or a Polley Summary is provided In Section 3 shall constitute un omiulon which mirepresents the benefiu, advantage, conditions or terms of an Insurance policy.

Section 8. Ellective Dace.

This rule shall apply to all solicludons of life Insurance which commence on or alter (Insert a date u lens six months following adopelon by the regulatory authority.)


This guide can show you how to save
money when you shop for life insurance.
It tells you how to:

• Decide how much life insurance you should buy,

• Decide what kind of life insurance
policy you need, and

• Compare the cost of life insurance

Prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners The National Association of Insurance Com. missioners is an association of state insurance regulatory officials. This association helps the various Insurance Departments to coordinate insurance laws for the benefit of all consumers. Your State Insurance Depart. ment urges you to use this guide in making a life insurance purchase.


When you buy life insurance, you want
a policy which sits your needs without
costing too much. Your first step is to decide which kind and how much you need. Then, find out what various com-

panies charge for that kind of policy.

You can find important differences

in the cost of life insurance by using

the life insurance cost indexes which
are described in this guide. A good life
insurance agent will be able and willing
to help you with each of these shopping steps.

If you are going to make a good choice when you buy life insurance, you need to understand which kinds are available. If one kind does not seem to fit your nceds, ask about the other kinds which are described in this guide. If you feel that you need more information than is given here, you may want to check with a life insurance agent or books on life insurance in your public library. If you encounter problems, contact your State Insurance Department at the state capital.

There is more than one way to decide how much life insurance a person needs. One approach is to figure how much cash and income your dependents would need if