Longing for sweet, sweet rest? About halfway into your pregnancy, sleeping may not be as comfortable as you remember in the past. Your body is starting to seriously shift and change, which can mean new, uncomfortable sleeping positions and associated aches and pains.

If you’ve reached this stage in your pregnancy, allow us to introduce you to your new best friend: a pregnancy pillow.

With the help of a pregnancy pillow, sleeping with a baby bump can actually be — dare we say — comfortable. The first step, though, is choosing the best pregnancy pillow for your needs and budget.

As your body changes and grows during pregnancy, you may find body aches keeping you awake. You’ll also be advised to sleep on your side, which may not be your natural sleeping position. All of this can make rest hard to achieve when you need it most.

Pregnancy pillows are designed to support you and your body so you can sleep in safe positions while pregnant.

When shopping for a pregnancy pillow, you may come across “C” and “U” shaped versions. A U-shaped version will offer support for both your back and front, but it takes up more bed space.

Alternatively, a C-shaped pillow will take up a little less space, but it fails to offer the full-body support you may be craving.

Either way, both are large, full-body pillows that will definitely be a presence in your bed — if you share a bed with a partner, it’s important to have them on board with this new addition!

Pregnancy pillows also come as wedges, straight line body pillows, and various inflatable shapes. All of these options can be used to help prop your body into certain positions and ease specific pressure points.

Specially designed pillows are so coveted by pregnant women because as your belly grows, there are fewer ideal positions to sleep in.

Although your OB-GYN may recommend sleeping on your left side for optimal blood flow to your heart, a 2019 review of studies actually found that either left or right side is A-OK.

However, sleeping on your back is not recommended as it causes your abdomen to rest on your intestines and some major blood vessels. Pressure from the abdomen can cause a variety of health problems, the most serious of which is a lack of blood flow to mom and baby.

As you move further along in your pregnancy, your growing bump may begin to put increased pressure on your back, hips, and knees. Pregnancy body pillows can be a great option if you’re looking for extra support.

These long pillows are designed to fit any height and can provide additional relief for your changing body, ideally lessening aches, pains, and restless nights, especially during the second and third trimesters.

Since only a fellow pregnant woman can truly judge if a pregnancy pillow is comfortable, we’ve made sure to consider what mamas-to-be are saying in reviews. We’ve also taken into account price, quality of fabrics, and special features as we know those matter, too.

Price guide:

  • $ = under $30
  • $$ = $30–$50
  • $$$ = over $50

Price: $$If you’re looking for versatility, the Total Body pillow from Boppy covers a lot of bases. It can support you in multiple different positions, is contoured to fit your changing body throughout the entire pregnancy/postpartum period, and is completely machine washable (not just the cover!).

One reviewer says, “It bends, folds, curves, and hugs you back. It is extremely versatile, but not so big your partner has to sleep on the sofa. I use it every night to prop my head up while I read in bed or put it under my legs so I can sit more comfortably.”