What is a variation in grammar and vocabulary in addition to sound variations?

Different varieties differ in accent, vocabulary, grammar, discourse, sociolinguistics, and have its respective characteristics in pronunciation, tone, intonation, spelling and so on. Therefore, it is important for English language learners to observe the differences in language use.

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Why is it important to know the varieties of English language?

The language variation is considered important in language teaching because its contribution of cultural values regards to the different ways of using the language functions or other aspects of language like vocabulary, pronunciation and so far so forth.

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Why is it important to understand the varieties of English as a student?

It helps to ease language acquisition. Knowing which variety your students are learning will help them assimilate the rules of the language easier and faster through comparison and contrast. It will help them to be ready for different usages of the language as they progress through life.

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What is the importance of having knowledge of different language varieties?

By learning a foreign language, you can understand ideas and thoughts that may be different from your own culture. You can learn customs and how people interact in a given society. Language helps preserve cultures, but it also allows us to learn about others and spread ideas quickly.

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Why is it important to have a knowledge on the world Englishes or varieties of English used globally?

It's the Most Widely Spoken Language in the World

This makes English one of the most useful languages you can learn. After all, you can't learn all 6,500 languages in the world, but at least you will be able to communicate with people from all different countries using English.

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Varieties of English | English Language Learning Tips | Cambridge English

What do you understand about varieties of English?

The variety of English with the largest number of native speakers is American English, with 225 million native speakers. The other major varieties of English are Canadian English, Australian English, New Zealand English, South African English and Indian English.

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What is the significant role of varieties of English in communication?

English language learning will allow you to communicate effectively with people from all over the world, making travelling a lot easier and helping you to learn more about different cultures. The importance of English language can be seen in almost every aspect of our lives.

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Why should English language users be aware of the different varieties and registers in English?

It is important to understand the differences between registers so you can use language that is appropriate for a particular situation. If your register is too high, you may come across as being snobby, pretentious or arrogant.

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Why is it important to use varieties and registers in language communication context?

Why is it important to use appropriate varieties and registers and language in certain communication context? Using appropriate variety and register are necessary for communication, whether it is written or verbally expressed, for us to put emphasis, and classification on the level of formality.

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What is the importance of language register?

Language registers are important because it provides rich opportunities for language and content instruction. It is also important to understand the differences between registers so that one can use the appropriate language for a particular situation.

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How do the language variety affect the communication?

The accents and dialect of people belonging to different places differs even if their language is same. Language variation affect communication by impeding communication through a creation of a strong potential understanding and the differences in language can result in misunderstanding.

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What do you mean by language varieties?

In sociolinguistics, a variety, also called an isolect or lect, is a specific form of a language or language cluster. This may include languages, dialects, registers, styles, or other forms of language, as well as a standard variety.

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What determines the various varieties of English used in the world?

While the English language is uniform with major variations in spelling present between American English and British English, the dialect or accent is usually the factor that enables one to distinguish the various types of English out there.

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How can varieties of a language differ from one another?

Languages differ from each other in various respects, e.g., in their sentence structure (syntax), word structure (morphology), sound structure (phonology) and vocabulary (lexicon).

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What does varieties of English have something to do with registers of spoken and written language?

It shows the level of formality and informality of the language used. When we use appropriate varieties and register of language we're showing respect, interest, comfortableness and professionalism.

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How important is the choice of language in effective communication?

One of the most important functions of language is to build "homophily" or a sense of commonality with one's readers. Language which is foreign and unfamiliar to the reader tends to emphasize the differences between writer and reader, and makes the message difficult to understand.

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What is language variety and language register?

Any type of spoken or written communication uses a language register because register is a type of linguistic variation. Linguistic variation describes the complex ways speakers modify their language use according to social cues, communication context, and personal expression.

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What are the different kinds of language variations explain by giving examples?

Dialectal Variation

"A dialect is variation in grammar and vocabulary in addition to sound variations. For example, if one person utters the sentence 'John is a farmer' and another says the same thing except pronounces the word farmer as 'fahmuh,' then the difference is one of accent.

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What is language and importance of language?

Language is one of the most important parts of any culture. It is the way by which people communicate with one another, build relationships, and create a sense of community. There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today, and each is unique in a number of ways.

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What is the importance of language in education?

Language enables students to play an active role in various communities of learners within and beyond the classroom. As students speak, write, and represent, they also listen to, read, and view the ideas and experiences of others.

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What is a variation in grammar and vocabulary in addition to sound variations?

Definition:Regional, social, or contextual differences in the ways that a particular language is used.

Examples and Observations:

  • "Linguistic variation is central to the study of language use. In fact it is impossible to study the language forms used in natural texts without being confronted with the issue of linguistic variability. Variability is inherent in human language: a single speaker will use different linguistic forms on different occasions, and different speakers of a language will express the same meanings using different forms. Most of this variation is highly systematic: speakers of a language make choices in pronunciation, morphology, word choice, and grammar depending on a number of non-linguistic factors. These factors include the speaker's purpose in communication, the relationship between speaker and hearer, the production circumstances, and various demographic affiliations that a speaker can have."
    (Randi Reppen et al., Using Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation. John Benjamins, 2002)
  • "A dialect is variation in grammar and vocabulary in addition to sound variations. For example, if one person utters the sentence 'John is a farmer' and another says the same thing except pronounces the word farmer as 'fahmuh,' then the difference is one of accent. But if one person says something like 'You should not do that' and another says 'Ya hadn't oughta do that,' then this is a dialect difference because the variation is greater. The extent of dialect differences is a continuum. Some dialects are extremely different and others less so."
    (Donald G. Ellis, From Language to Communication. Routledge, 1999)
  • "[R]egional variation is only one of many possible types of differences among speakers of the same language. For example, there are occupational dialects (the word bugs means something quite different to a computer programmer and an exterminator), sexual dialects (women are far more likely than men to call a new house adorable), and educational dialects (the more education people have, the less likely they are to use double negatives). There are dialects of age (teenagers have their own slang, and even the phonology of older speakers is likely to differ from that of young speakers in the same geographical region) and dialects of social context (we do not talk the same way to our intimate friends as we do to new acquaintances, to the paperboy, or to our employer). . . . [R]egional dialects are only one of many types of linguistic variation."
    (C. M. Millward and Mary Hayes, A Biography of the English Language, 3rd ed. Wadsworth, 2012)

Also Known As: variation

Source: http://grammar.about.com/od/il/g/linguisticvariationterm.htm