What is difference between performance appraisal and potential appraisal?

The key difference between the two is that appraisals happen at the end of a period of time while performance management is an ongoing process that happens during the period.

Appraisals are done at the end of the performance period to evaluate employees’ performance against goals, expectations and standards. For example, an annual review is conducted at the end of the year.

Performance management, on the other hand, is a continuous cycle of activities that occur throughout the year. Performance management supports better and more timely decisions that help employees improve their performance.

It’s meant to be more of a conversation about work and how employees can do better. It also helps managers understand what needs to be done next in order for the company to reach its goals.


Performance appraisals and performance management are two very different things in the eyes of the employee. While they are both tools that managers use to evaluate performance, they have very different uses and purposes.

To put it simply: in an appraisal, you’re evaluating your employee’s performance, while in a performance management system, you’re evaluating your employee’s behavior.

In an appraisal, managers usually use an objective, quantifiable scorecard to assess employee performance. As a manager, you may want to create a formal evaluation process that requires employees to provide specific examples of how they performed in their job duties as well as what they did well and what will help them to improve. This can also help foster employee performance reports in the long run.

On the other hand, performance management is more about building a relationship between the manager and the employee by focusing on improvement in a positive direction rather than focusing on errors or weaknesses. As a manager, you may want to focus on creating employee surveys and having more open discussions about goals for improvement for your team members so that you can support them and help them reach their full potential.


Performance appraisals and performance management are both workplace activities that involve regular evaluation of employees. However, their scope of focus is different.

Performance appraisals focus on the employee’s past performance and personal goals as well as a general discussion about what’s going well and what could be improved in the office. They are one-on-one employee evaluation meetings specific to an individual’s performance and thus have a more microscopic and limited scope.

Performance management adopts a more holistic approach and focuses more on the team’s goals and how the employee fits into them. Compared to appraisals, it has a much wider scope as it is a process that involves communicating guidelines to employees and then tracking their performance through regular meetings. This system encompasses both formal and informal feedback, which can be performed by any level of management in the company.


The fundamental difference between these two practices is that the performance management process uses ongoing feedback in real-time while the performance appraisal process is conducted less frequently and is more focused on individual employee efficiency rather than team initiatives and overarching company goals.

Performance appraisals are normally conducted annually and usually take place between an employee and their direct manager. The employees are given an opportunity to reflect and share their level of job satisfaction and motivation, as well as other aspects of their employment.

The manager then evaluates the employee based on how well he or she has performed during the previous year and how that performance compares to expectations set by his or her superiors. After this evaluation is completed, the manager informs the employee of the results and discusses any areas for improvement. This meeting is typically followed by a review process and check-ins.

Performance management is often done through an online system that tracks employees’ productivity and performance levels throughout the work day. This type of management uses quantitative methods to evaluate employees’ work ethics, time management skills and ability to work with others while performing assigned tasks. Goal-setting tools are often used too.

This approach offers a good level of transparency when it comes to evaluation and helps to observe performance with a more objective and less biased view.

Hence, performance management is a broader system that includes regular progress reviews, goal-setting and monitoring, and other processes designed to help employees improve their overall performance each year.

Potential and performance are two words that often go together although there is a key difference between these two words. Potential refers to the capabilities of an individual that can be developed. On the other hand, performance refers to completing various tasks that have been assigned to the individual. In the working environment, employees who have high potential are able to perform at a higher level than other employees. But does the same rule apply to high performers as well? It is in this context that the key difference between potential and performance emerge. In most situations, although high potential guarantees high performance, high performance does not guarantee high potential. This article aims at elaborating this difference further.

What is Potential?

Potential refers to the capabilities or various capacities that an individual has. This can be considered as a raw version that requires a lot of practice so that it can be developed. People can have various potentials. For instance, some people have a potential to be great leaders while others have a potential to be great writers. However, these abilities that the individual has should first be identified and nurtured.

In organizations, employers and managers need to be vigilant to identify the various abilities that people have in order to assist their professional growth. It is when such potential is ignored that it often goes to waste. People with potential have the ability to perform well. However, they also wish to improve their position in the organization as they have a lot of talent in them.

What is difference between performance appraisal and potential appraisal?

What is Performance?

Performance refers to the process of completing tasks. In order to be successful in an endeavor, it is important to perform well so that the final goal can be achieved. In organizations, there are those who perform very well and those who perform below the expected level. Of these two categories, high performers are extremely important for an organization as they make the largest contribution towards the success of the organization.

However, it must be highlighted that not all high performers have high potential. Employers have to comprehend this difference between performance and potential when dealing with employees. High performers can also be promoted where they are given a broader set of tasks since high performers are always reliable. As you can observe, potential and performance are two completely different terms that should not be confused. This difference can be summarized as follows.

What is difference between performance appraisal and potential appraisal?

What is the difference between Potential and Performance?

Definitions of Potential and Performance:

Potential: Potential refers to the qualities that can be developed.

Performance: Performance refers carrying out or completing a task.

Characteristics of Potential and Performance:


Potential: Potential can be used as an adjective or a noun.

Performance: Performance is used as a noun.


Potential: High potential in employees guarantees high performance.

Performance: High performance in employees does not always guarantee high potential.

Higher Positions:

Potential: Employees with high potential can be easily promoted for higher positions as they have the necessary skill set which will become polished as they are exposed to the new setting.

Performance: High performance in a particular position does not necessarily guarantee the same level of performance in a higher position as the individual may lack the potential.

Alternative Meaning:

Potential: The word potential does not carry an alternative meaning.

Performance: Performance refers to presenting an entertainment item to an audience.

Image Courtesy:

1. “US Navy 020614-N-0552D-001 SPAWAR award winning employee” by U.S. Navy photo by Corinna Duron. – [Public Domai]n via Commons

2. The Hoya Office By Patrickneil (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons