What is the difference between rank and seed in tennis?

What is the difference between rank and seed in tennis?
What is the difference between rank and seed in tennis?

What is the difference between rank and seed in tennis?

There are 32 seeds in Grand Slam tournaments. Seedings are announced just prior to the draws being made. 

Seedings are used to separate the top players in a draw so that they will not meet in the early rounds of a tournament. The top seed is the player deemed by current rankings as the strongest player in the field. The first seed and the second seed are placed at opposite ends of the draw, with the intention being that the best two players will not meet before the final. 

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How does seeding work in tennis? We will explain all that and more in short while from this. A competition can carry a format of 8,16 or 32 seeds, on average they normally use 16 seeds and on major events, they’d use 32 seeds.

On a simpler term, the seeding system is used so that the best players won’t be playing against each other on the first rounds its set to let the players meet in the final match up.

The seeding system plays a very important role in keeping the balance between the player matchups if this system wasn’t in play most of the time the two best players that most of the time are the main reason for the crowd showing up to see their players compete in action would be over in just the first matchup. We would then have an half-full event after or even less and no one wants that, that would alter with the event in too many ways.

What Is A Seed In Tennis?

What is the difference between rank and seed in tennis?

Most if not all the tournaments in tennis the competitive players would then receive a seed depending on their rankings. They would normally use your tennis winning history to rank you or the ATP and WTA rankings, this way would be a lot more accurate. Tennis players that are giving low seed are said to have higher rankings than the ones with the higher seed numbers.

The seeding system in tennis has been in play since the 19th century, this system was just a brilliant way of spreading talents all over. With the seed system, the top 2 players will not get matched up in the earlier rounds they would then be meeting up in the semi or finals.

Players can also be re-seeded in the even of the ones competing in the single-elimination rounds, the player with the lowest seed would then play the player with the highest surviving seed. In tennis the seeding system doesn’t normally take place on the day of the event it is done a week in advance or two.

What Is The Difference Between Seed And Ranking?

Most persons are confused by seed and ranking, I can agree that they are similar however I will let you be the judge of the differences. A player would get their ranking based on their performances throughout their tournaments how well they perform and the number of wins/points they would accumulate.

Seeding is given based on the ranking of the players, it is as simple as that however I know the terms are very similar. Some say they are the same but they are just a bit different if the ranking of a player changes then a seeding would so guess I would then get the concept of why persons think that it’s the same.

Its always been a debate on if the two are different or are they the same, in my opinion, they are quite the game because one is solely based on the other to get their answer.  That right there are just my thoughts on how I look at the situation so your answers are a totally different answer you could be correct as well its one of those win-win answers.

How Does Seeding Work In Tennis?

Let me get right to the point if the seed system wasn’t in play a lot of tournaments wouldn’t be entertaining and most of them would be empty after the favorite has played. The seed system keeps the event alive and entertaining it prevents the two best players or team to face each other on the first matchups.

Other players or teams get a balance chance of winning against a higher-ranked player or team showcasing their talents and skills.  Imagine going to a tournament that doesn’t use the seed system, you will feel as if you have not gotten your money’s worth out of entertainment.

A lot of times seeding are been questioned due to the different majors and how different they may rank a player some are straight forward and some are just not. All the grand slam events used a different way of giving seeds to their players, they are all similarly the same however different. The Wimbledon is said to have the hardest seeding placements that sometimes are questioned by the player and fans however it cannot be changed.

Can Unseeded Players Win?

What is the difference between rank and seed in tennis?

Yes, although it’s not a common thing to see however we do have unseeded players that have won in the past. Take Kim Clijsters and Serena Williams, for example, one won the 2007 Australians Opens and one won the 2009 U.S Opens both were unseeded. Unseeded champions are not impossible in the grand slam events they are just not something you would see often.

This I can tell you for sure winning from the bottom is no easy task, it takes a lot of work and talent for you to knock out players that have higher ranking factor points than you.  Players have been winning the grand slam events that are unseeded from a while back now check Mark Edmondson, he was unseeded as well and won the Australians Opens in 1976.

Its common for players to perform on a high scale in the grand slam events winning however is an on another level you have to play on the best of your abilities and give it you’re all your talent won’t be unseen.

Here’s why seeding is important in tennis

As like with most sports, tournaments want to have the potential of great matches to occur towards the end of the tournament. Here is where the seeding system comes into play. The seeding system is the best way to separate players in the early rounds of the tournament.

Fans, viewers and players vouch for the best talent and perhaps their favourite player to win. Having said that, no one would want to watch the two best players randomly play each other in the earlier rounds. Although this would make for some compelling television, tournaments lose the opportunity to showcase these players in several more matches.

The recent Roger Federer-Novak Djokovic 2019 Wimbledon final would be a great example. The match would not be so memorable if the top two seeds faced each other in the first week of the tournament.

The seeding system also keeps the tournaments as fair as possible. Without seeding, there’s just too much luck involved. If seeds lose in the early rounds, draws as-is can certainly open up. But there is still an equal chance to face challenging players after the first few rounds. By far this is the fairest way to have a tennis tournament, while still allowing for some variance.

At the grand slams, all the 32 seeds are separated and so they do not play another seeds until the third round. If all goes well, the third round will consist entirely of seeds. This has by far never happened in tennis and probably never would.

Different tournaments would use seeds differently. Seeding in tennis may not be exactly like other tournaments. In most cases, the top four seeds are separated into their own quarter of a draw, everything else is randomised in order to avoid playing against potentially dangerous players.

Grand Slam Seeding

The grand slam events are separated into four major tournaments each event has its seeding system. The method they use is very easy to understand below we will get into the more details on how it’s done.

The U.S Openings

The U.S Opening normally uses a simple seeding placement, the players in tennis normally get the highest seeds straight from the get-go. Absent females players coming off maternity leave can also get seeded if the committee sees fit however this has just been brought up to my knowledge and was down with the popular Serena Williams after she had been off her maternity leave she was then seeded 17th.

I think the future of tennis is changing as we know it but I think changes are good and it will be bad at times because a player will be pushed out of the seeding safe spot.

The French Openings

The French Seeding method is the total opposite of the above mentioned one, they go straight by the books. An example of how struck they would be the Serena Williams maternity leave, she was placed back with a seed in the U.S Opening however she was unseeded In the French Openings.

In the French Openings, it doesn’t matter the cause of the absence you will be ranked accordingly to their rules and rule book. A lot of persons don’t like the way they use their seeding system however its been a debate on that for years now and nothing seems to be changing or will ever be changed.

The Australian Open

This event is the first one to start the grand slam tournaments, they pretty much use the above two seeding factors in place. However, I wouldn’t say its as stricken as the french opening but also not as free-minded as the U.S Openings.


The Wimbledon seeding is quite rare and unusual in the way how they place there seeding, some would say they are even difficult in the way of how they choose to rank and seed their players. The method the Wimbledon uses is only used by them alone none of the other 3 majors uses this format.

Because the playing field is grass-based, they would then ranked how well the players perform on their previous grass tournaments withing a year span alongside players with the most points earned on a grass court tournament grounds. The next thing they would do is to use to players ATP or WTA in like a week or so before the draw, all that will be mixed to chose their seeding ranking.


For those who keep asking the question of How does seeding work in tennis? Well, the above information explains all that and more. The seeding system is popularly used in most sports, team and individual sports, it’s used in all the individual sports events out there to prevent the top players from meeting up in the very first round.

Seeding and ranking, people keep getting confused about why they are different things, that too was explained in the above information. We do hope you have learned and gained from this article, tennis is a sport that we love and the seeding system keeps the match entertaining for us all. Without the seeding ranking factor, tennis events would be over within just a few hours or s soon as the favorite tennis players play.

Thanks again for reading our article on how does seeding work in tennis, I hope you guy now see how important the role of giving seeds to players are to the game and matchups. Please remember to check out the other related articles that we have in the How-To menu.