What is the disadvantage of point method?

Fixed point iteration will not always converge. There are infinitely many rearrangements of f(x) = 0 into x = g(x). Some rearrangements will only converge given a starting value very close to the root, and some will not converge at all. Convergence will be fastest when g'(x) is close to 0.

What are the advantages of fixed point processor?

Fixed-point numbers provide the following advantages: No need for logic to support dynamic shifts—Floating-point operations require a dynamic shift, or float, of the exponent used to scale the significand, or base number, at run time.

What are the advantages of using a floating point representation over a fixed point representation?

First, they can represent values between integers. Second, because of the scaling factor, they can represent a much greater range of values. On the other hand, floating point operations usually are slightly slower than integer operations, and you can lose precision.

What is the main big disadvantage of using fixed point numbers?

The disadvantage of fixed point number, is than of course the loss of range and precision when compare with floating point number representations. For example, in a fixed<8,1> representation, our fractional part is only precise to a quantum of 0.5. We cannot represent number like 0.75.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Newton Raphson method?

Newton Raphson method has following advantages (benefits):

  • Fast convergence: It converges fast, if it converges.
  • It requires only one guess.
  • Formulation of this method is simple.
  • It has simple formula so it is easy to program.

What are the advantages of floating point over fixed point processors?

As such, floating point can support a much wider range of values than fixed point, with the ability to represent very small numbers and very large numbers.

What is fixed point representation?

The Fixed-Point Representation This type of representation of a number as a string of digits with the decimal point in between two smaller strings (or groups) of digits is called as fixed-point representation.

What are the disadvantages of floating?

Disadvantages of Floating Exchange Rates:

  • Uncertainty: The very fact that currencies change in value from day to day introduces a large element of uncertainty into trade.
  • Lack of Investment:
  • Speculation:
  • Lack of Discipline:

What are the advantages of floating point over fixed-point processors?

Can fixed points negative?

Negative Fixed Point Numbers Negative fixed point binary numbers use the same procedure as positive numbers but also make use of the methodology we saw in twos compliment.

What are the disadvantages of Newton-Raphson method?

Disadvantages of Newton Raphson Method

  • It’s convergence is not guaranteed.
  • Division by zero problem can occur.
  • Root jumping might take place thereby not getting intended solution.
  • Inflection point issue might occur.
  • Symbolic derivative is required.
  • In case of multiple roots, this method converges slowly.

What is the main advantage in Newton-Raphson method?

Advantages of Newton Raphson Method Fast convergence: It converges fast, if it converges. Which means, in most cases we get root (answer) in less number of steps. It requires only one guess. Formulation of this method is simple.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fixed point representation?

The advantage of using a fixed-point representation is performance and disadvantage is relatively limited range of values that they can represent. So, it is usually inadequate for numerical analysis as it does not allow enough numbers and accuracy. A number whose representation exceeds 32 bits would have to be stored inexactly.

When do you have to use fixed point format?

Very large numbers and very small numbers will have to fit in the same number of placeholders, what is actually bits, separated by the decimal in the same place, regardless of the number. For instance, if a fixed-point format will represent money, the level of precision might be just two places after the decimal.

What’s the difference between floating point and fixed point numbers?

In fixed point notation, there are a fixed number of digits after the decimal point, whereas floating point number allows for a varying number of digits after the decimal point. Fixed-Point Representation: This representation has fixed number of bits for integer part and for fractional part.

What do you call closeness of floating point representation?

The closeness of floating point representation to the actual value is called as accuracy. The standard defines few special floating point bit patterns. Zero can’t have most significant 1 bit, hence can’t be normalized. The hidden bit representation requires a special technique for storing zero.

Quantitative Methods of job evaluation are:

(a) Factor Comparison Method

The relative worth of job is studied on the basic of five important factors related to a job. These factors are (1) working condition, (2) physical requirements, (3) mental requirements, (4) skill requirements and (5) responsibilities involved. Some key jobs are selected for the study. A factor comparison scale is developed and the key jobs selected are fitted to this scale. Now a job comparison scale is constructed and other jobs are evaluated and compared with these key jobs.


1. This method is more systematic and objective.

2. It can be applied to a variety of jobs.

3. It is easily understood by the workers.

4. It can also be applied to new jobs created in the organisation.


1. It is costly and time consuming to rate every job on a five factor analysis.

2. It requires more knowledge and skill on the part of the evaluators.

3. The pay fixed for each job under factor comparison method is based on judgements that are not objective.

4. The use of only five factors for job evaluation is questionable as job differ across and within organisation

(b) Point Method

Job elements or factors are identified under this method. A job manual is used which contains these factors and the degree of each factor to be valued. It also states the weightage to be given to each factor. Points are assigned to job based on these factors, their degrees and weightages. The total points credited to each job determine the value of such jobs and suitable wage rates are fixed.


1. It is complex in nature and difficult to workers at lower level.

2. The assignment of weights to factors may be biased.

3. It is expensive and a lot of clerical work is involved.

4. The factors identified may not be exhaustive and accurate .


1. Job evaluation is the basis for determination of wages and salary for employees.

2. It prevents disparity in the payment of wages and facilitates employees satisfaction.

3. It provides a basis for wage revision and negotiation with trade unions.

4. It also helps in determining incentive and bonus plans for employee.

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2.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the point method of job evaluation.