What is the little man at the bottom right of my screen?

Can anyone tell me what the little man icon is at bottom right? Never noticed it before today? from GalaxyS21

What does the little man icon mean? 

@Flintstone is right, he is Google’s icon for functions that permit the magnification of content on your screen. It is a function that comes in handy if you have near-sightedness or are struggling to read your screen in daylight.

How do I get rid of the little man on my navigation bar? 

How do I get rid of the accessibility icon? 

To remove the Accessibilty icon, go to Settings>Accessibility>Advanced settings>Accessibility button>Uncheck everything. Hope this helps. This icon annoyed me to no end. To remove the Accessibilty icon, go to Settings>Accessibility>Advanced settings>Accessibility button>Uncheck everything.

How do I get rid of the little guy in the corner of my phone? 

It’s the Accessibility Menu icon. To turn it off, go to Settings>Accessibility>Accessibility Menu, and turn it off.

What is the little man icon on the Samsung phone? 

The ‘person’ shape icon is known as Accessibility icon and it appears at the bottom of your navigation bar when the Accessibility Menu or any of the Accessibility functions is turned on. The Accessibility icon will stay on the Home Screen, in apps, and in any screen where the navigation bar is visible.

How do I get rid of the little man icon? 

What do icons on top of Android mean? 

The status bar at the top of the home screen contains icons that help you monitor your phone. Icons on the left tell you about apps, such as new messages or downloads.

What does the little phone icon mean? 

Its the TTY icon, according to this Apple KB. You can go to Settings -> Phone to turn it off. TTY, Teletype (or various other names for it) is a special device you can use on a phone to help those that are deaf or hard of hearing communicate.

You can see him on the lower right hand corner of your Android screen.  And you’ll find him lurking in some other Android functions as well.   We call him Mr. Accessibility.

What is the little man at the bottom right of my screen?

He is Google’s icon for functions that permit magnification of content on your screen.   It is a function that comes in handy if you have near-sightedness or are struggling to read your screen in daylight.  It also is useful if you are zooming in on photos.  All-in-all, Mr. Accessibility is a useful little chap.

However, he also has created a bit of confusion for Android users.   If you inadvertently tap this icon, you’ll note an orange border is inserted on your screen.   This is Google’s invitation to press on whatever part of the screen you want to magnify.   And, if you have no interest in this function, you are a bit put-out.  So, for those put-outers, here’s a quick fix to rid yourself of Mr. Accessibility:


Those four steps remove the little corner man from your opening screen until such time as you decide to return him.   It’s a great tool for seniors but for many Android users, the little man is more bother than he’s worth.