What is the relationship between the DNA molecular weight and the distance Travelled by DNA fragments from the well?

  • Page ID18133
    • What is the relationship between the DNA molecular weight and the distance Travelled by DNA fragments from the well?
    • Michael Blaber
    • Florida State University

    Gel electrophoresis is used to characterize one of the most basic properties - molecular mass - of both polynucleotides and polypeptides. Gel electrophoresis can also be used to determine: (1) the purity of these samples, (2) heterogeneity/extent of degradation, and (3) subunit composition.

    The most common gel electrophoresis materials for DNA molecules is agarose and acrylamide.

    Acrylamide gels are useful for separation of small DNA fragments typically oligonucleotides <100 base pairs. These gels are usually of a low acrylamide concentration (<=6%) and contain the non-ionic denaturing agent Urea (6M). The denaturing agent prevents secondary structure formation in oligonucleotides and allows a relatively accurate determination of molecular mass.

    Gel electrophoresis of proteins almost exclusively utilizes polyacrylamide. The acrylamide solution usually contains two components: acrylamide and bis acrylamide. A typical value for the acrylamide:bis ratio is 19:1. The bis acrylamide is essentially a cross-linking component of the acrylamide polymer. The total acrylamide concentration in the gel affects the migration of proteins through the matrix (as with the concentration of agarose).

    Protein gels are usually performed under denaturing conditions in the presence of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The proteins are denatured by heat in the presence of SDS. The SDS binds, via hydrophobic interactions, to the proteins in an amount approximately proportional to the size of the protein. Due to the charged nature of the SDS molecule the proteins thus have a somewhat constant charge to mass ratio and migrate through the gel at a rate proportional to their molecular mass, The proteins migrate towards the anode.

    Acrylamide (%)

    Range of separation of Polypeptides (in kilodaltons)


    200 - 25


    100 - 15


    70 - 10


    60 - 6


    40 - 4

    Since the SDS treatment will dissociate non-covalent protein complexes, they may thus exhibit a much lower than expected molecular mass on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). Protein PAGE gels are usually polymerized between two glass plates and run in the vertical direction.

    What is the relationship between the DNA molecular weight and the distance Travelled by DNA fragments from the well?

    Figure 3.1.4: Effect of SDS treatment

    PAGE may also be run in the presence of reducing agents, such as b-mercaptoethanol (BME). BME is a reducing agent which will reduce any disulfide bonds (e.g. as exists between some pairs of cysteine residues in a protein). This helps to remove residual secondary structure in the SDS treated protein, but it may also allow the separation of polypeptide fragments from each other (i.e. their covalent interaction was entirely made up of one or more disulfide bonds). Thus, an apparently single protein may exhibit a set of small fragments under reducing PAGE conditions.

    • Coomassie blue is a triphenylmethane textile dye which is able to stain proteins.
      • After a polyacrylamide gel is run it is usually "fixed" by placing in a 50% methanol/10 acetic acid solution for 30 minutes (to precipitate the proteins and prevent diffusion out of the gel).
      • The fixed gel is then soaked in a methanol/acetic acid solution containing 2.5 gm/liter of Coosmassie blue.
      • Destaining of the background gel is accomplished by soaking in changes of 10% methanol/7 % acetic acid. This method can typically detect protein samples of 0.1 ug or greater.
    • Silver staining is a method which utilizes a silver nitrate solution to stain proteins in an acrylamide gel.
    • The method is similar in nature to the use of silver in photographic plates.
    • The sensitivity is approximately two orders of magnitude more sensitive than coomassie staining (i.e. one can detect approximately 1ng of protein).
    • Due to its high sensitivity this method is usually used to determine the presence of trace contaminants in protein samples.

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    Electrophoresis is a technique commonly used in the lab to separate charged molecules, like DNA, according to size.

    • Gel electrophoresis is a technique commonly used in laboratories to separate charged molecules like DNA, RNA and proteins according to their size.
    • Charged molecules move through a gel when an electric current is passed across it.
    • An electric current is applied across the gel so that one end of the gel has a positive charge and the other end has a negative charge.
    • The movement of charged molecules is called migration. Molecules migrate towards the opposite charge. A molecule with a negative charge will therefore be pulled towards the positive end (opposites attract!).
    • The gel consists of a permeable matrix, a bit like a sieve, through which molecules can travel when an electric current is passed across it.
    • Smaller molecules migrate through the gel more quickly and therefore travel further than larger fragments that migrate more slowly and therefore will travel a shorter distance. As a result the molecules are separated by size.
    • Electrophoresis enables you to distinguish DNA fragments of different lengths.
    • DNA is negatively charged, therefore, when an electric current is applied to the gel, DNA will migrate towards the positively charged electrode.
    • Shorter strands of DNA move more quickly through the gel than longer strands resulting in the fragments being arranged in order of size.
    • The use of dyes, fluorescent tags or radioactive labels enables the DNA on the gel to be seen after they have been separated. They will appear as bands on the gel.
    • A DNA marker with fragments of known lengths is usually run through the gel at the same time as the samples.
    • By comparing the bands of the DNA samples with those from the DNA marker, you can work out the approximate length of the DNA fragments in the samples.
    • Agarose gels are typically used to visualise fragments of DNA. The concentration of agarose used to make the gel depends on the size of the DNA fragments you are working with.
    • The higher the agarose concentration, the denser the matrix and vice versa. Smaller fragments of DNA are separated on higher concentrations of agarose whilst larger molecules require a lower concentration of agarose.
    • To make a gel, agarose powder is mixed with an electrophoresis buffer and heated to a high temperature until all of the agarose powder has melted.
    • The molten gel is then poured into a gel casting tray and a “comb” is placed at one end to make wells for the sample to be pipetted into.
    • Once the gel has cooled and solidified (it will now be opaque rather than clear) the comb is removed.
    • Many people now use pre-made gels.
    • The gel is then placed into an electrophoresis tank and electrophoresis buffer is poured into the tank until the surface of the gel is covered. The buffer conducts the electric current. The type of buffer used depends on the approximate size of the DNA fragments in the sample.
    • A dye is added to the sample of DNA prior to electrophoresis to increase the viscosity of the sample which will prevent it from floating out of the wells and so that the migration of the sample through the gel can be seen.
    • A DNA marker (also known as a size standard or a DNA ladder) is loaded into the first well of the gel. The fragments in the marker are of a known length so can be used to help approximate the size of the fragments in the samples.
    • The prepared DNA samples are then pipetted into the remaining wells of the gel.
    • When this is done the lid is placed on the electrophoresis tank making sure that the orientation of the gel and positive and negative electrodes is correct (we want the DNA to migrate across the gel to the positive end).
    • The electrical current is then turned on so that the negatively charged DNA moves through the gel towards the positive side of the gel.
    • Shorter lengths of DNA move faster than longer lengths so move further in the time the current is run.
    • The distance the DNA has migrated in the gel can be judged visually by monitoring the migration of the loading buffer dye.
    • The electrical current is left on long enough to ensure that the DNA fragments move far enough across the gel to separate them, but not so long that they run off the end of the gel.

    What is the relationship between the DNA molecular weight and the distance Travelled by DNA fragments from the well?

    Illustration of DNA electrophoresis equipment used to separate DNA fragments by size. A gel sits within a tank of buffer. The DNA samples are placed in wells at one end of the gel and an electrical current passed across the gel. The negatively-charged DNA moves towards the postive electrode.
    Image credit: Genome Research Limited

    Visualising the results

    • Once the DNA has migrated far enough across the gel, the electrical current is switched off and the gel is removed from the electrophoresis tank.
    • To visualise the DNA, the gel is stained with a fluorescent dye that binds to the DNA, and is placed on an ultraviolet transilluminator which will show up the stained DNA as bright bands.
    • Alternatively the dye can be mixed with the gel before it is poured.
    • If the gel has run correctly the banding pattern of the DNA marker/size standard will be visible.
    • It is then possible to judge the size of the DNA in your sample by imagining a horizontal line running across from the bands of the DNA marker. You can then estimate the size of the DNA in the sample by matching them against the closest band in the marker.

    What is the relationship between the DNA molecular weight and the distance Travelled by DNA fragments from the well?

    Illustration showing DNA bands separated on a gel. The length of the DNA fragments is compared to a marker containing fragments of known length.
    Image credit: Genome Research Limited

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