What makes an insurance policy in a unilateral contract?

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There are various things that can make an insurance policy a unilateral contract. These include the fact that the insurer is the only party who can change the terms of the policy, and the fact that the insurer is not required to provide benefits to anyone but the policyholder. Additionally, an insurance policy is a contract between two parties, and as such, it meets the legal definition of a unilateral contract.


A unilateral contract is an agreement where one party makes a promise in exchange for an act by the other party. The act doesn’t have to be done immediately, but it must be done before the contract is considered fully formed. For example, if I promise to pay you $100 if you mow my lawn, that’s a unilateral contract.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes an insurance policy a unilateral contract quizlet?

A unilateral contract is a contract in which one party makes a promise and the other party accepts the promise by performing an act. The promise does not have to be accepted for the contract to be valid, but the act must be done voluntarily.

What is an example of unilateral contract?

A unilateral contract is a type of contract in which one party makes a promise to do something in return for something else. For example, if I promise to mow your lawn for $10, that would be a unilateral contract.

What are the characteristics of unilateral contract?

A unilateral contract is a type of contract in which one party agrees to perform an act in exchange for the other party’s performance of a reciprocal act. The distinguishing feature of a unilateral contract is that only one party is obligated to perform its side of the bargain.

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Why is an insurance policy considered a contract of adhesion quizlet?

An insurance policy is a contract of adhesion because the insurer drafts the policy and the insured is typically required to accept it as is. This leaves the insured with few, if any, bargaining options and little ability to negotiate the terms of the policy.

Why are life and health insurance contracts considered unilateral?

A life insurance contract is unilateral because the insured party only has to make one promise, while the insurer makes a number of promises. The most important one is that the insurer will pay out a death benefit if the insured dies. Other promises may include paying premiums and not cancelling the policy unless the insured does something wrong.

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What is the definition of a unilateral contract?

A unilateral contract is a type of contract in which one party makes a promise in exchange for the other party’s performance. The party who makes the promise is known as the offeror, while the party who agrees to perform the requested act is known as the offeree.

What is the difference between unilateral and bilateral?

Unilateral means one-sided, while bilateral means two-sided. Unilateral actions are typically taken by one country without input or agreement from another country, while bilateral actions are taken by both countries together.

Which of the following is a good example of a unilateral contract quizlet?

A unilateral contract is a type of contract in which one party makes a promise to another party, and the other party has the option to accept or decline the offer. If the other party declines the offer, then they are not held to the terms of the contract.

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What is the definition of a unilateral contract quizlet?

A unilateral contract is a type of contract where only one party makes a promise. The other party does not have to make any promises in return.

Why are insurance policies considered conditional contracts?

An insurance policy is a conditional contract because the insurer agrees to provide coverage only if the policyholder meets certain conditions, such as paying premiums on time and not filing fraudulent claims. If the policyholder fails to meet these conditions, the insurer may cancel the policy or refuse to pay a claim.


In conclusion, an insurance policy is a unilateral contract because the insurer makes a promise to pay the insured party in the event of a loss, and the insured party does not promise to do anything in return. This type of contract is beneficial for both parties, as it allows the insurer to predict losses and plan for them, while the insured party knows that they will be compensated if they suffer a loss.

What makes an insurance policy in a unilateral contract?

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What makes an insurance policy in a unilateral contract?
What makes an insurance policy in a unilateral contract?


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