Which of the following best characterizes the Native American response to the white assimilation efforts in the Midwest in the late 18th century?


How did the Embargo Act of 1837 affect the U.S.?

By putting our economy in a slump and decreasing the national gross by 5%.

What did the Indian nicknamed "the Prophet" do in attempt to harm the Americans?

Bring all Indians together and shun the Americans.

How did the Federalists feel about the War of 1812?

They were strongly opposed to it.

How did the victory of the Battle of New Orleans affect Americans?

It gave them a greater sense of pride, especially in Andrew Jackson who was viewed as a hero.

What unusual view did James Madison support considering he was a part of the Republican party?

The existence of the 2nd Bank of the United States

Which of the following factors made a critical contributing in the downfall of the Federalist parties?

The adoption of Republican views.

Which of the following stipulations was included in the Adams Honest Treaty of 1819?

Spain giving the U.S. Florida

George Washington established a cabinet--or body of advisors--and an administrative bureaucracy under the president's control.

statement describes actions the first congressional government undertook in 1789

Approval by Congress and ratification by the states of the Bill of Rights had which of the following outcomes

An easing of Americans' fears of an oppressive national government

Alexander Hamilton's 1789 financial plan for the United States included which of the following items?

The federal government's assumption of state war debts

To win votes for his financial plan, Hamilton made which of the following concessions?

Proposing that the nation's new capitol be built in the Upper South

The critical disagreement that led to the emergence of political parties in the mid-1790s was based on which of the following issues?

Hamilton's financial plan.

Thomas Jefferson's vision for the future of the United States included which of the following ideas?

Western territories populated by independent yeomen farm families

Which statement was true of George Washington's 1793 Proclamation of Neutrality?

Earnings from shipping rose spectacularly as a result of it.

Which of the following served as a catalyst for the 1794 domestic insurgency known as the Whiskey Rebellion?

Which of the following describes Jay's Treaty of 1795?

It required the British to withdraw their troops from forts in the Northwest Territory.

Which of the following individuals would have been unlikely to gravitate toward the Republicans in the late 1790s?

Why was Toussaint L'Ouverture a significant figure in the 1790s?

He led black Haitians in their fight to seize control of Saint-Domingue.

Which of the following is true of the U.S. election of 1796?

John Adams won the vote and continued a pro-British foreign policy.

The Naturalization, Alien, and Sedition Acts had which of the following outcomes in the United States in the 1790s?

It became illegal to publish insults or malicious attacks against Congress or the president.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes U.S. relations with France during the late 1790s?

The United States cut off trade with France and authorized Americans to seize French ships.

Why did Thomas Jefferson call his election to the presidency the "Revolution of 1800"?

The government changed peacefully despite bitter partisan conflict and foreign crisis.

The 1783 Treaty of Paris addressed Native Americans living in the Old Northwest in which of the following ways?

The treaty did nothing to protect Indian lands or independence.

Washington's Secretary of War, Henry Knox, favored which of the following approaches to Native Americans?

Indians ceded much of Ohio and acknowledged American political sovereignty in which of the following treaties?

Which of the following best characterizes the Native American response to whites' assimilation efforts in the Midwest in the late eighteenth century?

Many Native Americans repudiated white missionaries and forced Christian converts to participate in native rituals.

Who led the conservative Senecas, who condemned assimilation and demanded a return to ancestral customs?

The southern migrants who moved along the coastal plain toward the Gulf of Mexico between 1790 and 1820 originated in which of the following areas?

In 1801, Jefferson responded to the Barbary States; threats against American shipping by

refusing tribute payments, retaliating against renewed Barbary attacks, then working out a diplomatic solution involving much lower tribute payments.

Which of the following phrases describes the federal judiciary at the time Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801?

Packed with hostile Federalists

Jefferson's administration demonstrated its disagreement with Hamilton's philosophy by

Which of the following statements characterizes federal land price policies in the Northwest Territory during 1790-1820?

Jeffersonian Republicans passed laws that made it easier for farm families to buy land.

Why did Thomas Jefferson decide to attempt to purchase New Orleans in 1801?

Spain refused to allow American farmers to ship their products through the port, in violation of the Pinckney Treaty.

Which of the following describes Jefferson's approach to the opportunity to purchase Louisiana in 1802?

The opportunity led Jefferson to revise his view of the presidential powers granted by the Constitution.

What was the immediate cause of the illegal duel in which Vice President Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804?

Hamilton's accusation that Burr was aiding a plot to destroy the Union