Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

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Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

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When you set pagination options, you can control where automatic page break are inserted or override automatic page breaks.

Important: The following procedures assume that you are in print layout view. If you are not in print layout view, on the View menu, click Print Layout.

Do any of the following:

Keep lines together

You can keep all lines of a paragraph together on a page or in a column so that the paragraph is not split between two pages.

  1. Select the lines that you want to keep together.

  2. On the Format menu, click Paragraph, and then click the Line and Page Breaks tab.

  3. Select the Keep lines together check box.

Keep paragraphs together

You can keep paragraphs together, such as a heading and the next paragraph, on a page or in a column.

  1. Select the paragraphs that you want to keep together on a page.

  2. On the Format menu, click Paragraph, and then click the Line and Page Breaks tab.

  3. Select the Keep with next check box.

Always force a page break before a paragraph

If you want a certain paragraph in your document always to appear at the top of a page, set a page break to occur before the paragraph.

  1. Select the paragraph that you want to follow the page break.

  2. On the Format menu, click Paragraph, and then click the Line and Page Breaks tab.

  3. Select the Page break before check box.

Control widow and orphan lines

By default, Word prevents the last line of a paragraph from appearing at the top or bottom of a page.

  1. Select the paragraphs in which you want to control widow and orphan.

  2. On the Format menu, click Paragraph, and then click the Line and Page Breaks tab.

  3. Select the Widow/Orphan control check box.

Prevent a table row from breaking across a page

  1. Click the table.

  2. On the Table menu, click Table Properties, and then click the Row tab.

  3. Clear the Allow row to break across pages check box.

Insert a manual line break

A manual line break ends the current line and continues the text on the next line. Some paragraph styles include extra space before each paragraph. To omit this extra space between short lines of text, such as those in an address block or a poem, insert a manual line break after each line instead of pressing RETURN .

  1. Click where you want to break a line.

  2. Press SHIFT + RETURN .

    Word inserts a manual line break (

    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

    Tip: To view manual line breaks, on the Standard toolbar, click

    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

Insert a manual page break

Word inserts automatic page breaks based on how your document is set up. However, you can manually insert a page break in a specific location.

  1. Click where you want to start a new page.

  2. In Word 2011 for Mac, on the Document Elements tab, under Insert Pages, click Break, and then click Page.

    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

    In Word 2016 for Mac, in the Insert menu, go to Break and click Page Break.

    Tip: In Word 2011 for Mac, you can also insert a manual page break by pressing SHIFT + ENTER . If the RETURN and ENTER keys on your keyboard are the same key, press SHIFT + FN + ENTER .

    In Word 2016 for Mac, press COMMAND + RETURN.

Delete a manual page break

  1. Select the page break that you want to delete.

    If you don't see the page break, on the Standard toolbar, click

    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

  2. Press

    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

    If your keyboard does not have a

    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top
     key, hold down SHIFT and press the right arrow key 
    Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top
    , and then press DELETE .

In typography, you want to avoid single words as the last line of a paragraph and single lines of text at the beginning or end of a column or page. Why? A lonely single word at the end of a paragraph creates a visual interruption in the flow that breaks the reader’s focus. This is called a “runt”. This break is caused by the unintended white space that calls more attention than necessary to the single word. Similarly, a line or word of text that jumps to the next page/column or starts a page/column should be avoided for the same reason. This would be called an “orphan” or “widow”.

As graphic designers, we adjust the space between words and/or letters to resolve these typographic problems as the final step in the design process. This is important no matter if the project is a website design, PowerPoint presentation, research report, brochure design, an invitation or any other design that includes text.

So now to the definition and naming of these little nitpicks. There seem to be different opinions on what is called an orphan and a widow. The Chicago Manual of Style and Robert Bringhurst in the Elements of Typographic Style agree:

Widow: A paragraph-ending line that falls at the beginning of the following page or column, thus separated from the rest of the text. (They have a past but no future.)

Orphan: A paragraph-opening line that appears by itself at the bottom of a page or column, thus separated from the rest of the text. (They have no past but a future.)

Runt: Single, short word at the end of a paragraph.

You can call them what you want, maybe widphans or ordows? They are a problem and need to be fixed!

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Which of the following describes a widow?

a) last line of paragraph left alone at top of page

b) first line of paragraph left alone at bottom of page

c) both a and b

d) none of the above


a) last line of paragraph left alone at top of page


Which of the following describes an orphan?

a) last line of paragraph left alone at top of page

b) first line of paragraph left alone at bottom of page

c) both a and b

d) none of the above


b) first line of paragraph left alone at bottom of page 


On which of the following would you find the Keep Lines Together box?

a) Paragraph group

b) Page Layout dialog box

c) Paragraph dialog box

d) none of the above


Word considers any line of text that is followed by a return to be a __________.

a) sentence

b) paragraph

c) line

d) all of the above


From which of the following would you choose to insert a manual page break?

a) Home tab, Paragraph group

b) Paragraph dialog box

c) Page Layout tab, Paragraph group

d) Insert Tab, Pages group


d) Insert Tab, Pages group


The location in a document where one page ends and another begins is known as a(n) __________.

a) page break

b) widow

c) page end

d) orphan


The Breaks menu contains options for setting __________ type(s) of page break(s).

a) one

b) two

c) three

d) four


What are vertical blocks of text known as in Word?

a) lines

b) rows

c) paragraphs

d) columns


You may choose to create up to how many total columns in a Word document?

a) six

b) eight

c) twelve

d) sixteen


You can insert a blank page at which point in a Word document?

a) beginning

b) middle

c) end

d) all of the above


When choosing the paper size of a document, which of the following choices is available?

a) Legal

b) Letter

c) Custom

d) all of the above


A widow is the last line of a paragraph that is left alone at the top of a page.


An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that is left alone at the bottom of a page.


You can choose to keep lines together on the same page, but not paragraphs.


Word considers any line of text that is followed by a return to be a line.


The Break Page Before option forces a paragraph to the bottom of a page.


Manual page breaks may also be deleted.


Pages are easy to distinguish in Print Layout view.


 The Breaks menu contains options for inserting two different kinds of breaks.


 You can choose to insert any number of columns by clicking the Columns button.


The best way to insert a blank page in Word is to click the Blank page button in the Pages group of the Insert tab.


If a document is to be placed in a three-ring binder, you should leave extra space in the right margin.


When choosing a page’s orientation, you are limited to two choices: Landscape and Portrait.

Word inserts automatic page breaks in __________ documents.

You can choose to keep two lines together at either the top of the page or the __________ of the page.


The last line of a paragraph that is left alone at the top of a page is called a(n) __________.


The first line of a paragraph that is left alone at the bottom of a page is called a(n) __________.

Word’s Keep With Next command ensures that two __________ remain together on the same page.

To insert a manual page break, click the Page Break button in the __________ group of the Insert tab.

You may also press the __________ key to delete a manual page break.

The __________ menu contains options for inserting three types of breaks.


A(n) __________ break is used to create layout or formatting changes in a portion of a document.


Word provides __________ options for creating section breaks.

Vertical blocks of text in a Word document are known as __________.

Word allows you to insert up to __________ columns in a document.


Columns may be formatted with even or uneven __________ in the Columns dialog box.


To insert a blank page, click the Blank Page command in the __________ group of the Insert tab.


Changing the margins of a document can affect the number of __________ in a document.


Margins are the blank spaces located at the top, bottom, and __________ of a page.


A document may be set to Landscape or __________ orientation.

A(n) __________ document is wider than it is long.

To set the paper size of a document, choose the ___________ button from the Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab.


To ensure that all the lines of a paragraph remain together on the same page, click the __________ box.


To force a paragraph to the next page, click the __________ box.

You can also insert a page break from the Breaks menu found in the __________ group of the Page Layout tab.

To delete a manual page break, select the __________ and press the Delete key.


 A(n) __________ is the location in a document where one page ends and a new page begins.


To customize columns, click the __________ button in the Columns menu.

When you change the width of a column in Word, what happens to the spacing measurement?

It adjusts automatically.


Word provides __________ options for creating section breaks.


Vertical blocks of text in a Word document are known as __________.


Word allows you to insert up to __________ columns in a document.


Columns may be formatted with even or uneven __________ in the Columns dialog box.


To insert a blank page, click the Blank Page command in the __________ group of the Insert tab.


For professional-looking documents, list two things you should avoid as discussed in this lesson.


Avoid leaving a single line of text by itself at the top or bottom of a page.


Briefly describe the difference between a widow and an orphan, as they pertain to Word documents.


A widow is the last line of a paragraph, left alone at the bottom of a page; an orphan is the first line of a paragraph, left alone at the top of a page.


How would you ensure that a paragraph is not split across two pages?


: Select the paragraph, and choose the Keep Lines Together box in the Paragraph dialog box.

What constitutes a paragraph in Word?

any line of text that is followed by a return


What constitutes a page break in a Word document?


the location where one page ends and another page begins


How many page break types are available in the Breaks menu? List each type.

 three; Page, Column, and Text Wrapping

How many section break options are available in Word? List each option.


four; Next Page, Continuous, Even Page, and Odd Page


Describe ways that you can easily distinguish both automatic and manual page breaks in a Word document.


Automatic page breaks are easy to distinguish in a Word document that is placed in Print Layout view. In this view, Word displays the document page by page, one after the other, on a blue background. You can also choose to show paragraph marks by clicking the Show/Hide¶ button found in the Paragraph group of the Home tab. Once paragraph marks are shown, markers will appear to indicate manual page breaks.


For what purpose is a section break used? Provide at least three scenarios for when it would be beneficial to add section breaks to a document.

A section break is used to create layout or formatting changes in a portion of a document. Student answers will vary, but may include any of the following scenarios: beginning/ending columns, footnotes and endnotes, headers and footers, line numbering, margins, page borders, page numbering, change in paper size or orientation, paper source for a printer, or vertical alignment of text on a page. 

Where are a page’s margins located?


all around a document (top, bottom, and both sides)


Briefly describe Portrait and Landscape orientation.


Portrait orientation refers to when a page is taller than it is wide. Landscape orientation refers to when a page is wider than it is tall.


Briefly explain how a document’s page layout can contribute to the overall success (or failure) of the document. Be sure to discuss margins, page orientation, and paper size.


Student answers will vary. When choosing the margins for a document, you must consider how the document may be bound. If the document will be placed in a three-ring binder, for example, you would need to leave extra space on the left margin for the holes. The orientation of a page should depend on the information that will be displayed on that page. For example, if you are creating a table that is wider than it is tall, you would want to select Landscape as the page’s orientation. The paper size that is set for a document should match the amount and type of content included in the document. If you are creating a legal document, you would need to ensure that the paper size is set to Legal so that all of the information will appear on the correct page(s).

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Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top

Which of the following is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top