Why do dogs chew their tails

Watching a dog chase and try to catch its tail can be totally adorable. But if you notice your dog is catching its tail and chewing on it regularly, it might be a sign that something is wrong with your dog. There are plenty of underlying causes that can lead a dog to chew on its tail, so examining your dog when you notice this behavior is important. You should take your dog to the vet to be treated and find out what you can do. Being proactive, especially by spending lots of time with your dog and exercising it, can help prevent the behavior in the first place.

  1. 1

    Pay attention to where your dog is biting. If your dog is biting the same specific area on its tail, it might be a sign that your dog has some kind of external parasitic infection. The most common form of these infections come from fleas or ticks. If your dog has been outside in a wooded area or around other animals recently, they might be at risk.[1] X Research source Go to source

    • It’s hard to see fleas or ticks with the naked eye, especially if your dog’s fur is dark. But you can use a flea or tick comb (available at most pet stores) to comb your dog’s tail and see if there are any fleas or ticks there.

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    Look for hot spots. Dogs get scratches or wounds from the way the play or from getting into things outside that they shouldn’t. But if the scratch gets infected, it can cause what’s called a hot spot. Check your dog’s tail for an area of pus, blood, and matted hair. If you see a spot with these things, your dog likely has a hot spot.[2] X Research source Go to source

    • If you have a dog with long fur or multiple layers of fur, they are more likely to get hot spots if the dog is not regularly groomed. Be extra cautious with your dog.
    • If you notice such a spot, take your dog to the vet. These areas can easily cause a second infection, which is even worse for your pup!
    • Your vet may want to shave your dog to treat the hot spot topically. Depending on the severity of the infection, you may be able to just shave around the affected area.

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    Consider environmental changes that can lead to stress or anxiety. If you’ve recently moved, remodeled the house, or gotten a new pet, your dog might be feeling stressed or anxious. Some dogs will respond to that stress and anxiety with repetitive behavior, like biting their tails. If you’ve had a big life change, this could be causing your pup’s behavior.[3] X Research source Go to source

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    Look for scooting behavior in addition to tail biting. If your dog is biting its tail and also scooting – dragging its butt across the ground – it might have an impacted anal gland. This is uncomfortable to your dog, so it will want to relieve the discomfort.[4] X Research source Go to source

    • If you notice this behavior, you’ll have to take your dog to the vet. Only a vet can identify a impacted gland and treat it.

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    Recognize the symptoms of an allergic reaction in your dog. Dogs can have the same sorts of allergies, and allergic reactions, as humans. If you notice face swelling or hives, your dog likely has a food allergy. If you notice that your dog is scratching a lot - not just at its tail - or licking its paws more than usual, they might have an environmental allergy. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet. They can help you come up with a plan to treat your dog's allergies.[5] X Trustworthy Source American Kennel Club The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a purebred dog pedigree registry in the United States. The AKC advocates for the responsible ownership of dogs and promotes purebred dog events, such as the Westminster Dog Show. Go to source

    • If your dog begins to have trouble breathing, take it to the vet immediately. This could be a symptom of anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.

  1. 1

    Take your dog to the vet. The best way to figure out how to treat tail biting in your dog is to take it to the vet. Your vet can tell you the root cause (or causes) of your dog’s tail biting and how best to treat it. It might turn out it’s something you can take care of at home, or your vet might need to take care of it in the office.[6] X Research source Go to source

    • Make sure you tell your vet what you think the cause might be, as well as your dog’s symptoms and other changes in behavior.

  2. 2

    Eliminate fleas and ticks from your dog. If you find fleas or ticks on your dog, it's important to remove them safely and quickly. Spot-on flea treatments are applied to the skin just below the head once a month. They'll kill fleas and prevent more from infesting your dog. Tick and flea shampoos and tick dips will also kill fleas and ticks on contact and prevent new infestations.[7] X Research source Go to source

    • Before you choose a treatment, take your dog to the vet. Your vet can recommend the best treatment for your dog.
    • If there are other animals in your home, they should also be treated for fleas and ticks.
    • Make sure you wash any fabric your animals have come in contact with, including carpet, upholstered furniture, any bedding, and any of your clothing or linen.
    • You may need to set off a "flea bomb" in your house to adequately kill all the fleas that may have infested your home.

  3. 3

    Take your dog to the vet for hot spot treatment. Your vet will be able to determine the underlying cause of the hot spots and give your dog medication to stop the itching. Then your vet will likely shave the fur around the hot spot and cleanse the area with an antiseptic. Your dog will also probably get a cone - often nicknamed "the cone of shame" - to stop it from further irritating the hot spot while it heals.[8] X Trustworthy Source American Kennel Club The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a purebred dog pedigree registry in the United States. The AKC advocates for the responsible ownership of dogs and promotes purebred dog events, such as the Westminster Dog Show. Go to source

    • If your vet prescribes antibiotics or steroids to treat the underlying cause of the hotspot, follow the directions carefully. If you don't give your dog the full course of either drug, the hot spots could come back.
    • Make sure that the cone stays on at all times and that you follow all of the vet's instructions. Hot spots can be difficult to treat properly.

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    Take your dog to the vet to get your dog's anal glands expressed. If your dog's anal glands are impacted, your vet will need to treat them. Your vet will express the glands - which means emptying them - after they've given your dog a sedative. After this procedure, your vet might prescribe your dog antibiotics and pain relievers, depending on the severity of the infection. Follow the directions of the medications carefully.[9] X Research source Go to source

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    Reduce your dog's stress. Playing with your dog more frequently can help reduce its stress. You can also create a "safe space" for your dog. Set up a bed and a favorite toy or blanket in a quiet area of your home. Your dog will learn to go there during stressful situations, like thunderstorms.[10] X Research source Go to source

    • You can also create a "safe space" by using crate training. Make the crate warm, welcoming, and calm so that your dog feels comfortable going into the crate to destress. It's best to start this when you first bring your dog home.
    • If these actions don't seem to help your dog, take it to the vet. Your vet may prescribe your dog anti-anxiety medication to help control its symptoms. The type of medication and the amount will depend on your dog's symptoms, its breed, and its size.

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    Remove any allergens. If it turns out your dog is biting its tail because it’s having an allergic reaction to something, remove the allergen from your home. This might mean keeping your house cleaner to reduce dust, or it might mean eliminating a certain food or ingredient from your dog's diet.[11] X Research source Go to source

    • If you can’t remove the allergen from your home, ask your vet for any medication you could give your dog to alleviate their symptoms.

  1. 1

    Use basic commands to stop tail biting. You can train your dog not to bite its tail, especially if it’s a behavioral issue and not caused by some underlying medical issue. When you notice your dog chewing on its tail, use the "stop" or "no" command. When your dog stops chewing its tail after you give the command, reward it with a treat or toy.[12] X Research source Go to source

    • When your dog starts to mess with its tail, distract it with play or a 10 to 15 minute training session.

  2. 2

    Give your dog a high-fiber diet to prevent impacted anal glands. A high-fiber diet will help make your dog’s stool more solid, which will press on its anal glands. This natural pressing will help the glands secrete and can prevent impacted anal glands.[13] X Research source Go to source

  3. 3

    Have your dog dewormed regularly. Tapeworms can also cause your dog to bite its tail. An adult dog should be dewormed twice a year. Puppies should be dewormed at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks old. Getting your dog dewormed can help prevent them from biting its tail.[14] X Research source Go to source

  4. 4

    Stay current and consistent with external parasite prevention. Give your dog its flea and tick medication at the same time every month, or as directed by your vet in order to keep your dog healthy. If you keep your dog free of external parasites, they won't lead to tail biting.

  5. 5

    Take your dog to the vet regularly. Take your adult dog (over 1 year old) to the vet once a year for a well pet check-up. Your vet will give your dog a full physical and can potentially spot problems before they get serious.[15] X Research source Go to source

    • Puppies should go to the vet every 3 to 4 weeks until they are 4 months old for vaccines. Then take your puppy in at about 6 months to get spayed or neutered.
    • Senior dogs (over 10 years old) should go to the vet twice a year.

  • What does it mean if a dog chases its tail?

    Why do dogs chew their tails

    Usually a dog chasing its tail is just a dog playing with itself and having fun!

  • Why is my dog trying to bite his tail?

    Why do dogs chew their tails

    Allergies, bug bites, and other irritations are common causes for dogs to bite at their tail.

  • Why does my dog bite my other dog's tail?

    Why do dogs chew their tails

    Your dog is probably just trying to initiate play time with the other dog! Don't worry too much about this behavior.

Co-authored by:

Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN

Licensed Veterinary Technician

This article was co-authored by Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN. Ryan Corrigan is a Licensed Veterinary Technician in California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology from Purdue University in 2010. She is also a Member of the Academy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians since 2011. This article has been viewed 78,085 times.

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