Why i chose saline implants

The two basic types of breast implants for breast augmentation are silicone and saline. Both implants are composed of an outer silicone shell. Both types come in a variety of sizes, projection levels, and fill volumes. The main difference between the two implants is in their respective contents. The best implant is carefully selected and matched depending on the goals of a patient.

Silicone vs. Saline: What’s the Difference?

Both silicone and saline have an excellent safety record. With the help of an experienced, professional board-certified plastic surgeon, you can achieve a natural look for your breast augmentation. Here are the main differences between silicone and saline:

Saline Implants

Saline implants are shell implants filled with a saltwater solution, with the consistency of water. It is usually filled during the breast augmentation procedure. Unlike silicone, in the case of leaking, it will collapse. The saline substance will be naturally absorbed and expelled by the body. Nonetheless, you will need surgery to remove the outer shell.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are made with a thick silicone gel material. In contrast to saline, this silicone material mimics the feel and appearance of natural body fat and breast tissue. In the case of leaking, it will not collapse. Instead, the gel may seep into the breast implant pocket or stay inside the shell implant.

Unlike with saline implants, which any woman over the age of 18 can get, the FDA requires that you must be 22 years of age or older to get silicone implants for breast augmentation.

Why Choose Silicone Over Saline Implants?

With the knowledge of the differences between silicone implants and saline implants, here are more reasons why you may consider silicone over saline:

Natural Look and Feel

A skilled surgeon can give a natural look to the breast using saline implants. However, the appearance and texture of silicone gel implants have the right consistency to help it look more natural inside the breast. It’s feel is closely comparable to natural breast tissue. Meanwhile, rippling may occur when you are using saline implants, and they may feel more firm, especially if overfilled to avoid wrinkling.

Silicone is also lighter than saline implants of a similar size. Moreover, in cold weather, saline implants may not feel as warm as the rest of the body.

Shaped Implants

Another advantage of silicone implants is that you have significantly more options of form-stable implants for size, shape, and profile compared to saline implants. Therefore, you have many more choices depending on the look you desire.

For Women with Very Little Natural Breast Tissue

One of the main reasons women opt for breast augmentation is because their breasts are too small. So, why silicone? Silicone implants have a more viscous or thick consistency filling than saltwater saline filling. More patients prefer the natural softness of silicone. Meanwhile, because saline implants do not feel as natural, women with little natural breast tissue may find it challenging to cover the implant.

Does Not Deflate Quickly

Although it is a fact that all breast implants will eventually deflate overtime, saline implants deflate more quickly and more obviously than silicone implants. It is often less noticeable for silicone implants. Nonetheless, a leaking silicone implant can still cause pain, so it is essential to contact your plastic surgeon once it happens.

Breast Implant Surgery in New Jersey

Patients have the choice to decide which implant they want for their breast augmentation procedure. We encourage you to weigh the pros and cons of both types, and then make a decision. While silicone is a bit pricier, the majority of patients have said it is well worth the cost.

At Iorio Plastic Surgery Center, we take pride in our experienced board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Louis M. Iorio. He has years of experience helping women achieve the look they desire. At the consultation, Dr.Iorio will fully explain in detail the implants available and help guide you through the implant decision process based on your anatomy and desired results.  After your consultation, you be well informed and confident with your decision.  Your surgery will then be scheduled and performed by Dr. Iorio at a certified facility.

Call us today at 732-458-7400 for our Brick office or 732-780-9191 for our Colts Neck office to schedule an appointment. You can also request an appointment online.

Why i chose saline implants

You may associate breast implants with cosmetic surgery to increase breast size. But breast implants may be used for breast augmentation or reconstruction after a mastectomy -- or for replacement of the implants years later after either surgery.

Breast implants contain either saline solution or silicone. Although both are safe and realistic looking, there are some differences between saline implants and silicone implants.

If you need to make a decision between saline and silicone, Dr. Craig Foster and our team at Foster Your Beauty are ready to help you choose the implant that’s best for you.

Breast implant basics

No matter which implant you choose, both are encapsulated in an FDA-approved silicone shell. Aside from this similarity, the two are very different. The main factors to consider when making your decision are cost, how they look and feel, the implantation process, and what occurs if an implant ruptures.

Saline breast implants (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Saline implants have several advantages. They’re less expensive and placing them requires a smaller incision because the shells can be inserted empty and then filled. This also makes it easier for the surgeon to adjust volume after placement. In the event of a rupture, the saline -- which is a sterile saltwater solution -- is absorbed by the body with no negative impact.

On the undesirable side, the saline implants can show some rippling effects. In the event of a leak or rupture, the result will be noticeable right away.

Silicone breast implants

Silicone is the gold standard for implants and is perhaps responsible for breast augmentation’s continued popularity. Although they’re more expensive, silicone implants mimic real breast tissue for a more natural look and feel.

Silicone implants also offer more variation when compared to saline.

Gummy bear implants are known for maintaining their shape, and tend to work best with tear-drop shaped breasts.

Round silicone implants appear the fullest, and have the lowest risk of turning out of place.

Smooth silicone implants are the softest, and allow for the most natural movement. Among silicone variants though, these implants are the most likely to show rippling.

Textured silicone implants develop scar tissue to stay attached, which helps prevent them from repositioning.

When an implant is placed, the skin heals around it and forms a capsule that helps keep the shell in place. If a leak occurs, the silicone may stay inside the shell or may be trapped by the capsule. Any leaked gel may eventually cause breast pain, breast thickening, or changes in the contour or shape of the breast.

Women who receive silicone implants should plan on getting an MRI every three years, as this scan will detect a leak or rupture. In this situation, the implant is removed, the silicone is removed, and a new implant is placed, if desired.

If you'd like to sit down with Dr. Foster and talk about implant options to decide which is right for you, give our office a call or send a message to our Park Avenue clinic today.

Why i chose saline implants

Why i chose saline implants

Why i chose saline implants

Why i chose saline implants

Why i chose saline implants

Why i chose saline implants

Why i chose saline implants

One of the most important parts of planning and preparing for breast augmentation is choosing the right type of implants. Silicone and saline breast implants are currently the most popular options for breast enhancement. Understanding your goals and expectations for this procedure will help you choose the right implant type for you. There are some impressive advantages that you stand to gain by opting for saline-filled implants.

The breasts can be a very large part of a woman’s physical identity. Women with full, uplifted and attractive breasts often have far more confidence than do women with small, sagging or deflated breasts. Breast augmentation makes it possible to alter the shape, size and positioning of the breasts for a more appealing look overall. While both silicone and saline breast implants can provide a range of benefits to this end, saline implants are considered the more natural of these two options in many cases. That’s because these simple gel inserts are filled with a natural saline solution that can be easily and safely absorbed by the body should a patient’s implants ever rupture or leak.

Why i chose saline implants

Flexible Sizes
Saline breast implants provide an increased ability to create the specific level of volume and breast shape you want and need for creating a well-balanced and appealing physique. This is especially important for patients who are looking to correct problems with asymmetrical or uneven breasts. These implants are inserted into the body as empty shells. Once in place, our surgeon can then add the appropriate level of volume by gradually adding the saline solution. While you’ll be able to pre-determine the general size of your implants, the ability to make minor adjustments after insertion will make it easier to optimally tailor your results according to your goals and expectations.

Rapid Detection of Leaks
Given that saline is absorbed by the body, leak detection with saline breast implants is considerably easier and often immediate. Being able to identify and address problems like these in a timely fashion will ultimately limit the impact that they have. For those worried about the potential long-term effects of breast enhancement, opting for saline breast implants can provide greater security and peace of mind.

Releated: Need more choices? We have more about breast augmentations. 

Talk to Dr. Fischer About Your Options
When compared to silicone implants, saline options tend to create rounder-looking and firmer-feeling breasts in many cases. However, the only way to really know which type of implant is best for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fischer at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery in Timonium. Contact our office today to book an appointment to learn more!