Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

I'm going to have a dental bone graft and my appointment is in the morning. I usually drink a couple of cups of coffee throughout the day. Is it okay for me to drink my coffee after my bone graft?

11 Answers

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Make sure the coffee is room temperature and not too hot

I would wait until the day after

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

I would stay away from hot food or drink for 48hrs after oral surgery.

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Coffee is fine, but often the surgeon also places a prp membrane which means absolutely no alcohol, so don't spike your coffee!!

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Generally it's not the drink itself but the temperature of it that can an issue, hot fluids or food may cause increase in swelling depending on the treatment length, how atraumatic it was, and location of graft, also medication to control swelling will also impact the amount of swelling a patient would experience. That being said lukewarm fluids could be consumed without creation of negative pressures in your mouth, namely using straw should be avoided

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft


I recommend you ask your surgeon. It depends on the anesthesia they used and other care you might need to address.

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

This would depend on the extent and location of the graft. It is a question best asked of the dentist/surgeon performing the graft.

It is usually ok to have coffee. If you are having sedation for the bone graft that likely you were instructed to have nothing by mouth at least 4 to 8 hours prior to your procedure. Coffee after the procedure is usually allowed, however you are going to want to let the coffee cool down before drinking it. You do not want to increase the chance of post-op bleeding. Cold things are better.

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Follow your doctor's instructions. Once your numbness wears off you can eat or drink. Just make sure your coffee is not too hot. You will be able to eat on the side that was not worked.
After you finish drinking or eating rinsing your mouth with warm water or warm salt water will be good for your mouth tissues.

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Dental implants are a great way to restore your smile and replace missing teeth. Implants can be used to replace single tooth or multiple teeth using several strategically placed restorations. Implants are durable and long-lasting, with most patients having their implants for decades without showing signs of wear. The procedure to place your new dental implants involves creating an incision through the gums and inserting the post of the titanium implant deep into the jawbone. Over the course of just several months, the implant will actually bond with the bone and become a permanent part of your smile.

Is Coffee Okay After Implant Surgery?

After implant surgery, your gums are healing from having an incision made through them. It is vitally important that you avoid drinking hot coffee, tea or hot chocolate after the procedure itself for up to two or three days. The heat of the coffee can cause increased bleeding, which could be a problem for the surgical site and its ability to heal. If you must have your morning cup of Joe, be sure to let it cool down significantly before you drink any of it. The same can be said about hot foods like soups, broths or potatoes.

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

Can i drink coffee after a dental bone graft

How to Care for Your New Implants

The best way to care for your new dental implants is to keep your mouth clean and to avoid hard, crunchy or sticky foods. It’s often recommended to stick to a soft food diet for about two weeks following surgery. This gives the gums more than enough time to heal and to prevent the implant from becoming dislodged. Some of the foods that you’ll want to avoid immediately following dental implant placement include:

  • Hard, crusty breads
  • Hot coffee, teas and soups
  • Popcorn, chips and hard pretzels
  • Gummy or sticky candy
  • Hard fruits and veggies

Some minor pain and swelling are normal after implant surgery. This is to be expected, as it is your body’s way of reacting to the incision and work that has been done. However, if you experience severe pain and swelling following surgery or weeks after an implant was placed, it is important to be right away for any post-operative complications. For the most part, the majority of patients who come in for dental implants experience no problems and can go back to eating and drinking their favorite things in no time.

If you’d like to learn more about how to care for dental implants, call us today to talk to one of our professional team members.

Does caffeine affect bone graft?

Studies have suggested that caffeine, a major constituent of coffee, is associated with a significantly increased risk of fractures, osteoporosis, periodontal disease and poor osseointegration of bone grafts ( 8.

What can you not do after dental bone graft?

Avoid bending, lifting, exercising or other strenuous activity for at least 4 days. Apply ice packs to the cheek adjacent to the surgical site (30 minutes on and off, alternating) for 48 hours switching to heat after 48 hours in the same location. Heat is more effective than ice after 48 hours.

Can I drink cold coffee after gum graft surgery?

Eating: Maintaining an adequate diet after surgery is essential. Cold or warm temperature foods are recommended for the first day. Coffee or tea can be consumed if it is not hot.

What happens if you drink coffee after tooth extraction?

However, according to the Mayo Clinic, when a blood clot doesn't develop before your wound heals as it should, a dry socket occurs. This can lead to considerable pain, discomfort, and a bad taste in your mouth. Drinking coffee increases the risk of a dry socket.