How far apart are Hilton Head and Charleston?

Hilton Head Island to Charleston by bus

Only 185 miles separate Hilton Head Island and Charleston, so choose a convenient bus route to save money. It takes 7 hours to get from one place to another. The average ticket will cost around 50 USD. Also, it will cost 36 USD to get to your destination by bus, if you choose the cheapest solution. You will have 42 stopovers during your bus trip. Southeastern Stages operates buses from Hilton Head Island to Charleston.

Trains from Hilton Head Island to Charleston

How long is a train journey to Charleston from Hilton Head Island?

Driving directions from Hilton Head Island to Charleston

The driving distance between Hilton Head Island and Charleston is 99 miles. Driving to Charleston takes about 2 hours under normal driving conditions with reasonable traffic and no excessive lines at the border crossing, making it the fastest way between the two cities. If you are going to get there by car, the fuel price is 12 USD.

Places to stay in Charleston

Information about hotels, motels, apartments and other accommodations in Charleston on .


6 miles
7 minutes

92 miles to go
1 hr 53 min


32 miles
39 minutes

66 miles to go
1 hr 21 min

Grays Hill

34 miles
42 minutes

64 miles to go
1 hr 19 min


38 miles
47 minutes

60 miles to go
1 hr 14 min


66 miles
1 hour, 21 minutes


72 miles
1 hour, 29 minutes

Distance between Charleston and Hilton Head Island is 99.09 km. This distance is equal to 61.57 miles, and 53.47 nautical miles.

The distance line on map shows distance from Charleston to Hilton Head Island between two cities.
If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles per hour) between Charleston to Hilton Head Island,
It takes 0.11 hours to arrive.

Charleston32.7765656-79.9309216Hilton Head Island32.216316-80.752608Distance99.09 km61.57 miles

There are 61.56 miles from Charleston to Hilton Head Island in southwest direction and 109 miles (175.42 kilometers) by car, following the US-17 route.

This is the fastest route from Charleston, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC. The halfway point is Sheldon, SC.

Charleston, SC and Hilton Head Island, SC are in the same time zone (EDT). Current time in both locations is 6:53 pm.

Any questions or tips to share?

Share with fellow travellers any question or tips about the route from Charleston, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC:

There are 61.56 miles from Hilton Head Island to Charleston in northeast direction and 109 miles (175.42 kilometers) by car, following the US-17 route.

This is the fastest route from Hilton Head Island, SC to Charleston, SC. The halfway point is Sheldon, SC.

Hilton Head Island, SC and Charleston, SC are in the same time zone (EDT). Current time in both locations is 6:53 pm.

Any questions or tips to share?

Share with fellow travellers any question or tips about the route from Hilton Head Island, SC to Charleston, SC:

The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC is 98 miles or 158 kilometers.

The total straight line flight distance from Charleston, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC is 62 miles.

This is equivalent to 99 kilometers or 54 nautical miles.

Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

Your flight direction from Charleston, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC is Southwest (-129 degrees from North).

The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to get from Charleston, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance ("as the crow flies") and the driving distance if the route is drivable. It uses all this data to compute the total travel mileage.

Distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find distances based on actual road trip directions, or the straight line flight distance. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. The database uses the latitude and longitude of each location to calculate distance using the great circle distance formula. The calculation is done using the Vincenty algorithm and the WGS84 ellipsoid model of the Earth, which is the same one used by most GPS receivers. This gives you the flying distance "as the crow flies." Find your flight distances quickly to estimate the number of frequent flyer miles you'll accumulate. Or ask how far is it between cities to solve your homework problems. You can lookup U.S. cities, or expand your search to get the world distance for international trips. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

Is there a ferry from Hilton Head to Charleston?

There is no direct connection from Hilton Head Island to Charleston. However, you can take the taxi to Savannah, take the train to Charleston Amtrak Station, take the walk to North Charleston Transit Center, take the line 104 bus to N.

How long is a boat ride from Hilton Head to Charleston?

There is not a ferry between Hilton Head and Charleston. Even by car it is a couple of hours drive. I agree with the other two responses that there is no ferry to Charleston. What is the source of your information?

Is Charleston South Carolina near Hilton Head?

A beautiful island resort off the southern end of South Carolina, Hilton Head Island is just 20 miles north of Savannah, Georgia and 95 miles south of Charleston.

What is the closest city to Hilton Head South Carolina?

Savannah is 45 Minutes, Charleston is 90 minutes, Bluffton is 15 minutes and Beaufort is 30 minutes.