How to remove curls from hair naturally

Avoid the electric straightener with these tips and tricks.

Updated February 11, 2022

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

Want to straighten your hair without using heat or chemical straighteners? Fortunately, you have a few options.

While you won’t get the ruler-straight look that heat and chemical straighteners provide, you’ll have healthy hair that’s straighter than it was before. Results will vary depending on the consistency of your hair, but hopefully some of these tips—or a combination of them—can get you closer to the look you're going for.

1. Brush wet hair until it dries

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

After washing your hair, let it air dry completely, but continue to brush it every five minutes. Pull out and hold each section of hair for a few seconds to encourage it to straighten out. You can also do this in front of a fan, which is faster, but requires constant brushing.

2. Wrap wet hair tightly

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

When your hair is wet, comb and divide it down the centre. Comb the left portion all the way over to the right (yes, it’s a combover of sorts) and wrap around the back of your head, securing with bobby pins. (One tip is to slide a piece of thin card stock under each bobby pin to prevent dents forming.) Flip the right section over the left side, wrap, and pin in the same way. Let it air dry completely. You can wrap in a silk scarf and sleep on it to reduce frizz.

3. Roll your hair

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

Use large hair rollers, i.e. the size of soda cans, to roll sections of wet hair and secure them tightly against your head. Let dry completely. This is important, because the slightest bit of moisture can make the curl or wave come back.

4. Use overnight hair bands

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

Divide damp hair into one or two low ponytails. Fasten with a soft hair elastic, then add additional elastics every inch or so down the ponytail, in order to hold it together. Make sure the elastics are fairly loose so that they won’t leave a noticeable mark on your hair. Go to sleep and let it out in the morning.

5. Twist hair into a bun

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

If you have fairly obedient, straightish hair to begin with, then this method will likely work for you, though it’s not effective on my stubbornly wavy hair. Make a ponytail of damp hair and twist like a rope. Wrap around itself to make a bun and secure with an elastic. Let air dry, then brush out.

6. Make a natural straightening mask

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

Full-fat milk (coconut or dairy) has a conditioning effect on hair, which smooths it and tames it, helping it to hang straighter.

The Free People beauty blog recommends making a milk and honey mask. Mix 1 cup of whole milk or coconut milk with 1 tbsp of honey and let it soak into your hair and scalp for one hour before washing out.

You can also mix 2 cups milk with 1 egg. Soak your hair in it for 10 minutes, then squeeze out, don’t rinse, and wrap with a plastic cover for another 30 minutes. Wash out and brush dry.

Treehugger / Sanja Kostic

A recipe from Naturally Curly recommends applying the following DIY straightening mask in order to relax and straighten your hair: 1 cup coconut milk, 4 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp olive oil, 3 tbsp cornstarch. Heat at low temperature and stir until smooth. Cool, then apply to hair.

To all of these methods, add a few drops of sweet almond or coconut oil to further tame frizz and smooth out the look.

Other Suggestions

You can rinse your hair with cold water in the shower, as it tends to get rid of frizziness and straighten it somewhat. Try putting on a hat while your hair is air-drying to flatten it. You may have to twist, tuck, and pin longer parts to ensure everything's covered. Consider drying your hair partially with cool air (use the cold setting on your dryer), then wrapping and pinning it tightly against your head overnight.

To turn your wavy or curly hair into a bone-straight 'do, stylists typically look to chemical treatments and hot tools. And while options like Keratin and a Brazilian blowout certainly get the job done, overtime, they can be detrimental to your hair health. There are, however heat-free methods that allow you to straighten your hair naturally—damage-free!—using everything from milk to flat wraps at home. Of course, they don't work for everyone (they're best for folks with wavy or fine hair) and the results won't be quite as sleek as using a relaxant and a flat iron, but if you are looking to try straightening your hair the natural way, here are the most effective options.

If you're skipping the heat and chemicals, set your expectations.

You can certainly straighten your hair at home without heat, but it won't be easy. "All of these methods take time and aren’t perfectly straight techniques,"says Aaron Grenia, the co-founder of IGK Hair and Salons. Celebrity stylist Orlando Pita, founder of Orlando Pita Play, concurs: "Sure, it's possible but it's important not to get your hopes too high, particularly if your hair is extremely curly to begin with."

Ready to go? After you shower, try this.

It might conjure up images of your grandmother, but good old fashioned rollers are still worth using! "A wet set is the best way to straighten your hair naturally, especially if you have very curly or coarse hair," says Pita. "Start by applying a light spray or mousse at the roots and comb through, making sure your hair is tangle-free. (You can try these detanglers.)

Next, apply foam or velcro rollers around the head to damp, not wet, hair. Rollers can be used across all hair types and textures. Place big rollers at the crown. By playing with the size of the rollers, you can create a bump at the root or a nice curve at the bottom, depending on the desired look. Make sure hair is completely dry before removing rollers," encourages Pita.

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How to remove curls from hair naturally

How to remove curls from hair naturally

Not into rollers? You can also opt for a leave-in conditioner post shower to "hydrate your hair and protect it from frizz," says Grenia. Next, he recommends parting your hair, brushing it straight, then letting it air dry for five to ten minutes before brushing it straight again. "Repeat until your hair is dry, adding more leave-in conditioner if needed. This method takes time and won't get you perfectly straight, but it helps you avoid heat styling." A brush specially designed for damp hair, like the Wet Brush, is a good bet.

You can also naturally straighten your hair overnight.

Start by showering, then comb or brush through your wet hair. Next up: the flat wrapping technique. "Take your damp hair, and comb sections flat to your head. Wrap your hair around your head until all the length is up, and pin it tightly with bobby pins," says Grenia. Then, wrap a silk scarf to cover and protect your hair from frizzing during sleep." When you wake up, your hair will be smoother and straighter. Pro tip: use a satin pillowcase too, in order to reduce friction. Here are some great options.

Feel adventurous? Give milk a go.

"Coconut milk is supposed to be the best for a 'milk mask,' but most milk (besides almond) can work work," says Grenia, noting that the heavier the milk the better. "Leave it in like a conditioner for about ten minutes, rinse, and then let it dry naturally." Grenia cautions that this method works best for wavy hair, and doesn't provide the same straightening benefits for curly hair. "It will just soften the curls," he says.

But, will these techniques work permanently?

Unfortunately, no. But, there's always hair botox!

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Nadine Jolie Courtney is a lifestyle writer whose work has appeared in Town & Country, Robb Report, and Angeleno; a graduate of Barnard College, her fourth book, All-American Muslim Girl, was named a Kirkus Best Book of 2019. She lives in Santa Monica, California, where she posts too many photos of her daughter on Instagram.

This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

How do you remove hair curls?

How To Straighten Your Curly Hair.
Step 1: Rinse Your Hair With A Gentle Shampoo. ... .
Step 2: Detangle Your Knotty And Tangled Hair. ... .
Step 3: Prepare Your Locks For Straightening. ... .
Step 4: Use A Blow Dryer. ... .
Step 5: Grab Your Hair Straightener. ... .
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Step 7: Spritz On Some Hairspray..

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Dawn Clemens, founder of LarweiHair: The curl in girls' hair often goes away when the hair follicles are damaged. A great way to treat these follicles and bring back curly hair is to indulge in deep conditioning treatments, as they provide intense hydration to the hair.

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Using hot styling tools to straighten hair strips your hair of moisture, causing breakage..
Blow dry with cold air. ... .
Wrap your hair. ... .
Roll with plastic rollers. ... .
Use products meant to straighten hair. ... .
Sleep with your hair wet. ... .
Try a hair mask. ... .
Apply essential oils..