Is Natures Path instant oatmeal gluten


We think going gluten free should never mean going flavor or quality free. And that’s why we’ve created the seemingly impossible – breakfast oats that are organic, gluten free, and flavor-full! Click here to see.

Is Natures Path instant oatmeal gluten


Gluten is a protein complex found in those grains that some people are allergic to or have trouble digesting. Living gluten free is a way of life for many people who either suffer from celiac disease or have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity.

Is Natures Path instant oatmeal gluten


There are a few grains that must be avoided on a gluten free diet. Watch out for: Wheat, barley, rye, kamut, spelt, bulgur, teff, farro, durum, and semolina.

Is Natures Path instant oatmeal gluten


There’s a huge variety of gluten free grains. Look for: rice (any variety), buckwheat, corn, sorghum, millet, quinoa, coconut flour, almond flour, and usually – oats.


Although naturally gluten free, oats must be tested and verified not to contain gluten content. The reason is traditionally oats are grown in fields next to wheat and barley and processed on the same equipment. Because of the threat of cross contamination with gluten, oats should still be carefully considered.

Check out our gluten free products for some great food sensitive options! Gluten Free Products

Finding quality gluten free foods that fit your lifestyle is a must for restoring joyful mealtimes when you’re gluten intolerant. I trust Nature’s Path to provide safe, nutritious and delicious options for my clients…and my family! I’m in love with the Cocoa Coconut Qia Superflakes – and Mesa Sunrise Flakes make a great crunchy alternative to bread crumbs!

Desiree Nielsen, Registered Dietician

Is Natures Path instant oatmeal gluten

What instant oatmeal is gluten

Our Quaker® Gluten Free Instant Oatmeal gives you all the full flavor and hearty goodness Quaker is known for, with the assurance of gluten-free oats. It's the quick and delicious oatmeal everyone can enjoy.

Is Nature's promise instant oatmeal gluten

1 Ingredients This product should be egg free, peanut free, sulfite free, nut free, vegan, no preservatives, soy free, msg free, no artificial colors, vegetarian, no artificial flavors, sugar free, no artificial ingredients, no additives, corn free, dairy free, gluten free, and organic.

Are Nature's Path organic oats gluten

GLUTEN FREE & FLAVOR FULL And that's why we've created the seemingly impossible – breakfast oats that are organic, gluten free, and flavor-full!

Do instant oats have gluten?

Oats don't naturally contain gluten. Cross-contamination with gluten may happen in the fields where oats are grown or, more commonly, through processing and packaging facilities, though. This means that the oats come in contact with ingredients like wheat, barley, and rye, making them unsafe for people with CD.