What age is My Hero Academia for

November 15, 2021

one of the best anime movies i have watched

its good, sad and great animation

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

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November 5, 2021


i think its awesome it may have inapropriate scenes but over all its great

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

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October 7, 2021


This movie is one of the best movie I ever saw, the graphics are just amazing! but I noticed one part in the movie where Uraraka touched Deku "somewhere in his body" to make him float, I'm not sure if kids under 13 will notice but it's inaproppriate (sorry if spelt wrong, I have problems with that word) scene but it's totally okay for kids and teens to watch this movie

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

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November 30, 2021

3/4 was good, the ending kind of lost me, though..

3/4 was good, but it just got confusing… the movie definitely had plot armor at the end. Not a waste of time, but it’s not my favorite. I’d rather just watch the actual show. Better than Two Hero’s IMO. For the actual review about the content: Some swearing, pretty mild unless you count the times Bakugo calls people bastards and tell them to ‘DIEEE!!’, but it’s played off as a joke and none of the characters take him seriously. Definitely violence. Blood and broken/swollen arms are shown. Damage to the characters bodies are often shown. Not any sexual content that I can remember.. All of the characters are awesome role models, though :) This movie/entire show could work for some younger audiences, but I put the age up because of the violence just for maturity level. So if your kid can handle blood, this movie is good for them. For more mature kids, I’d say 8-9+

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

1 person found this helpful.

April 14, 2022

Sexual content and violence

I think that this show is good for a age group of 12 and up because of the violence. it is a really good overall though! I love this series! Its one of my fave animes! I would definitely recommend it. But there is some sexual comments that some characters make that are not that appropriate, for example characters make commonts about yaoyorozu boobs. says I am going to die and never got to touch yaoyorozu boobs.

January 4, 2022


i think its good and kindaa bad should have been for kids

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much swearing

December 28, 2021

Definitely Recommend it

This movie revolves around a series “Boku No Hero Academia”.It’s an interesting show and the movie is amazing.It has powerful messages and very inspirational quotes.The movie does not include any sexual activity, drugs, alcohol etc.It does have a mention of profanities but the amount is minimum.I think children of age 10-15 would enjoy it.However it does have a lot of violence in it being a part of the shonen genre.It does not contain gore tho.

December 13, 2021

I watched the seasons and both of the movies. Personally, I think the age rating should be 12+, mainly because of the cussing and violence. The objective of the story is amazing, but growing up, my parents never let me watch shows with cussing, until around 12. Some children like or love to watch violence, so I'm not very concerned about that, but more about the cussing.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

December 6, 2021

I love it personally but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under twelve I would never let my younger siblings watch it because of the violence, language and some themes that aren't appropriate for kids like suicide wich was mentioned but for anyone over twelve i think this would be great for them

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much swearing

October 8, 2021

I personally say 12+

This is a simple anime about students at a high school with current quirks (powers) that they train and work together. It's a kid friendly show, most of the time. Warning: Spoilers I'm only to Season 3, Almost season 4 but there are some teens things in this show too. The first episode there's a hero with a purple top and skin coloured leggings, it looks like she has no pants on, but she does. The first season introduces the characters, their quirks and personallys most of the time. Around season one to two you find out that one of the students, who's hero name is Grape Juice can be perverted towards all the girls. It doesn't happen 24/7. It does happen quite a lot. So look out for that at least. In season 2, a student named Momo (who's one of my personal favourites) is in a fight with some villains with her friend. She creates a steel blanket think to hide in while their other friend uses election to hurt the bad guys without harming his friends. Although it does rip Mojo's top. It shows the top half of her. The middle of her chest area is covered but be careful with that. There's quite a bit of violence and blood ( Especially on season 2) There's also lots of swearing around the first two seasons. Nothing super mild but, yeah. The are also some teen/adult jokes hidden in there. There is drug use in the shows, mostly being, villains smoking a cigarette. This show is also a great, by showing other to look out for one another and to not leave anyone behind. In the first season we learn Izuki (Our protagonist) had a childhood friend who was always mean, but when he got captured by a monster, although Izuki didn't have powers to save him he still tried to help. Even though he would always be mean and bully Izuki, Izuki didn't care. Almost every UA High (name of the school) Student is an amazing role model for young children. I do recommend letting your children watch this.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence