What do armadillos hate the most?

Gardeners can be thankful that there are several ways by which they can get rid of Armadillos. Follow the simple armadillo removal methods listed below to get rid of armadillos in your yard.

1. Use A Live Trap

What do armadillos hate the most?

An effective method you can employ is to trap the animal alive. You can buy a live trap from a pest control store near you to catch an armadillo.

If you’re a DIY person, you can actually make the trap yourself.

We have to mention, though, The trap you’re using should be able to catch the animal alive. Armadillos may be pests, but it will cause them to suffer before they die if the trap injures them. This could pass for animal cruelty.

This is not to say you can’t kill an armadillo. You can, but it depends on the region or state you live in. Check with your local laws regarding armadillo traps and killing to get relevant information.

Please don’t use a small trap; buy one large enough to hold it.

Using an armadillo trap, you will need some bait. Knowing that they like eating worms and other insects, you can place some topsoil containing bugs inside the trap and place it in an area where the invading armadillo will easily spot it.

The major reason armadillos need to dig deep is to get food. But if they can get it with the smallest amount of effort from the traps you set, chances are they will take the bait and enter the trap.

As the armadillo enters the trap, the spring door will be shut behind it, and it wouldn’t be able to come out.

Be sure to buy a trap that is made of durable wire weaves. Remember, armadillos have strong claws and they will try to get out. If the trap isn’t durable enough, they will rip through it and escape.

If you need help catching an armadillo, then you can call a close friend or neighbor with experience to help you trap it.

You can also follow the simple instructions on the manual before you use it. An extra tip here is to ask the attendant at the pest control store to give you a quick demonstration before taking the trap home. You can give it a try yourself before you leave.

You can get two traps if you wish.

After the armadillo has been caught, you can call a professional animal control service to help you get rid of it.

2. Use Harsh Scents (Vinegar, ammonia, pine cleaner)

As powerful as the smelling ability of an armadillo is, it can also be its weakness. You can use this information against them.

An armadillo uses its nose to find food by picking up the slightest scents, but what if the armadillo perceives something stronger?

You know how it is with dogs and their powerful smelling ability, and how they sneeze or move away when a glass of strong whiskey is held close to their noses? Well, it’s the same for armadillos.

Strong scents can help you remove an intruding armadillo from your yard.

Vinegar is one of the scents that an armadillo absolutely hates. Humans don’t pick up scents as good as armadillos, yet we are turned off by vinegar. Imagine how harsh the scent will be to an armadillo!

You can spray around the ground of your yard with vinegar to deter armadillos.

Be careful not to spray vinegar on your plants, as it can harm or kill some plant species. You can sprinkle some vinegar around the ground to keep them away from your garden soil.

Ammonia is also a substance that packs a punch scent-wise, and armadillos hate it simply because it is too strong for their noses to bear.

You can also sprinkle some on the ground across your yard, but not on the plants! Place small bowls of vinegar in the area where they may intrude for better results.

You can also sprinkle some ammonia around the perimeter of your house to deter armadillos from coming into your yard.

The process should be repeated every couple of weeks, as the vinegar and ammonia smell can wear off over time. It could also be washed away by rain.

There is one downside to this armadillo control method. Many people aren’t fond of the scent of ammonia or vinegar. If you’re one of them, this may not be the best armadillo removal method for you.

On the other hand, if you can bear the smell of vinegar or ammonia in your yard, then you can give this method a try.

3. Pine Needles Or Pine Bark For Mulch

Another scent armadillos do not like is pine tree scent. Use this information to deter armadillos.

Lucky you if you already have some pine trees planted. The smell can help keep an armadillo away.

If you don’t have any pine trees, you can go to a home improvement store near you to buy pine needles and pine bark.

Use the pine needles and bark for mulch. If an armadillo enters your garden and the ground is laced with pine mulch, they wouldn’t be able to stand the smell and would shun the idea of digging your soil.

Make sure you buy as many bags of mulch as you would need. The mulch should be at least 3 inches thick and should cover the entire garden area.

4. Remove Attractants

Truth be told, it is impossible to remove all the worms and insects from under your soil. However, there are things you can do to keep the insect population to a minimum.

The trick here is simple, the more grub you have, the more armadillos will be attracted to it.

Among the things you can use to reduce the insect population is a natural predator. Animals like lizards and frogs eat insects too, so you can buy some and introduce them to your compound, and help you reduce the insect population.

There are bird species that also eat insects and worms. To draw them in, you can place a bird feeder close by and fill it up with birdseed.

The birds will swoop down for their free meal, and the garden insects will serve as a bonus.

Birds have good memories and can remember where they got their last meal from. As long as there is a feeder there, they will pay return visits.

If you want the birds to land directly on the soil, scatter the seeds on the floor rather than the feeder. As they pick up the birdseed, they will eat up the bugs as well.

Another way to make your yard unattractive to armadillos is by removing old tree stumps and any dead or decayed woodpiles. These are perfect hiding spaces for insects, and armadillos can sniff them out.

The less dead or rotten wood there is, the fewer insects you will have in your yard, and the less interested armadillos will be.

5. Build A Perimeter Fence

A fence is arguably the best way to prevent armadillos from entering your yard, as well as most other animals. Denying them entry with a fence in the first place solves the problem. All you have to do is build a fence around your property to keep the pests away.

If it’s a picket fence, make sure the posts are within an inch or two of each other so the armadillo can’t squeeze through.

The fence should also be dug about 3 feet deep all around your yard so the animal won’t be able to dig burrows and pop up from the other side. Remember, armadillos are experts at digging holes!

Many people may not buy the idea of having a fence around their own homes, but no armadillo control method is better in all honesty. It is the best way to restrict access to your property.

This will effectively keep armadillos away.

6. Call An Animal Control Or wildlife Professional

What do armadillos hate the most?

Not everyone is the DIY type, and that’s very understandable. If you need help removing an armadillo or any other unwanted animal from your property, then your next best option would be to call a professional Animal control service or a wildlife expert.

They are in an excellent position to assist you with removing armadillos from your property. Being that they have experience with pests of all sorts.

How do I get rid of armadillos?

5 methods for armadillo control.
Get rid of their food source. An armadillo's idea of a 5-star meal is a main course of termites, grubs, and other insects with a side of fruits and veggies. ... .
Eliminate hiding places. ... .
In-ground fencing. ... .
Electric fencing. ... .
Live trapping..

What can you put around your house to keep armadillos away?

Use an effective castor oil-based repellent to drive armadillos out and to prevent them from digging for food on your property. Castor oil is an all-natural oil that penetrates the ground, and repels armadillos in two ways: spoils the food sources (insects, grubs, etc.) underground, making them unpleasant to eat.

Does Pine Sol repel armadillos?

You can use that to your advantage. Armadillo experts recommend using a mix of moth balls and soil in styrofoam cups scattered around the perimeter of your yard or flowerbeds you want to protect. TIP: You can also use ammonia, vinegar, pine cones or Pine-Sol cleaner in cups or other disposable containers.