What is a quarter of an acre called?

'QUARTER-ACRE OF LAND' is a 17 letter Phrase starting with Q and ending with D

Crossword answers for QUARTER-ACRE OF LAND

Synonyms for ROOD

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What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

Rood. Unit of area usually equal to 1/4 acre.

Is a 50 by 100 quarter an acre?

1)For a rectangular plot, 50 by 100 refers to 50 feet by 100 feet which is equivalent to 15 meters by 30 meters and is also equal to 450 square metres. This is what people refer to as 1/8 of an acre though slightly less due to the provision for access road.

What size is a quarter acre section?

A typical quarter-acre section had a street frontage of 66 feet (20.1m) – corresponding to the standard surveyor's measuring “chain” – and a length of 165 ft (50.3m). Because many early sections were carved out of thick bush, owners may have pitched a tent in a clearing until something more substantial could be built.

What is a quarter acre block?

Many early Canberra suburbs were built around the Australian dream of the quarter acre block (1000 square metres). Factors include personal preference, budget and proximity to work, shops, schools and transport.