Which of the following is not part of the nims management characteristic of chain of command?

Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

Last Updated on June 29, 2022

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Q. Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

  1. Allows the Incident Commander to control the actions of personnel under his or her supervision.
  2. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other.
  3. Avoids confusion by requiring that orders flow from supervisors.
  4. Details how authority flows through the incident management organization.

ANSWERS: 2. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other.

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Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other is not a part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command because granting personals to share vital information with each other is a crucial part of NIMS Management.

NIMS (National Incident Management System) is meant to handle all types of incidence and its main objective is to restore every service operations as soon as possible and to minimize the negative impact on the same.

Chain of command itself is a solid line of authority from higher management level to lower management level in which there are 2 concepts of chain of command such as:

=> Authority

=> Unity of command

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Which of the following is not part of the nims management characteristic of chain of command?

Hope you find the answer!

Which of the following is NOT part of the NIMS Management characteristic of Chain of Command? A. Allows the Incident Commander to control the actions of personnel under his or her supervision. B. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other. C. Avoids confusion by requiring that orders flow from supervisors. D. Details how authority flows through the incident management organization.

Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other is NOT part of the NIMS Management characteristic of Chain of Command.


Asked 3/25/2019 10:22:10 AM

Updated 3/25/2019 12:29:41 PM

1 Answer/Comment



Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other is NOT part of the NIMS Management characteristic of Chain of Command.

Added 3/25/2019 12:29:41 PM

This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

2. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other.

'Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other' is NOT part of the NIMS Management characteristic of Chain of Command.


Sharing information is very important among individual staff to ensure that they are aware of the full situation they are experiencing during an operation.

Limiting information will create confusion and might let to problems during an operations. It will make resource use less efficient and be a major obstacle to the team achieving its goal.

For this reason, Allowing employees to share information is an important part of the NIMS management feature of the Chain of Command.

Which of the following is NOT part of the NIMS Management characteristic of Chain of Command? A. Allows the Incident Commander to control the actions of personnel under his or her supervision. B. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other. C. Avoids confusion by requiring that orders flow from supervisors. D. Details how authority flows through the incident management organization.

B. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other Explanation: The sharing of information is very important among each personnel to make sure that they know the full situation that they face during the operation and enable them to make appropriate strategy to address the situation. Because of this, Allowing personnels to share information with each other is a crucial part in NIMS Management characteristic of Chain of Command. Restricting the information will create a chaos and confusion during the operation. It will make the use of resources become extremely inefficient and become a huge obstacle for the team to achieve its goal.

Which of the following is part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

NIMS Management Characteristic - Chain of Command and Unity of Command. Chain of command refers to the orderly command hierarchy within an incident management organization. Unity of command means that each individual reports to only one designated supervisor.

What are the characteristics of chain of command?

The followings are features of a chain of command..
Rank order. ... .
Accountability of decisions. ... .
Meaning of Unity of Command. ... .
Standardized language and methods of communication for your company structure. ... .
Delegation of Authority. ... .
Levels of management. ... .
Feedback rules..

Which of the following are NIMS characteristics?

The NIMS Management Characteristics are listed below..
Common Terminology..
Modular Organization..
Management by Objectives..
Incident Action Planning..
Manageable Span of Control..
Incident Facilities and Locations..
Comprehensive Resource Management..
Integrated Communications..

What is a characteristic of the National Incident Management System NIMS Incident Command System ICS )?

NIMS provides a framework for interoperability and compatibility by balancing flexibility and standardization. NIMS provides a flexible framework that facilitates government and private entities at all levels working together to manage domestic incidents.