What a Libra woman needs in a relationship?

Libra, the sixth astrological sign on the zodiac list are known for their pleasant humor and pleasing personality. Among the zodiacs, Librans are loved and cared by all, for their easygoing attitude towards life and sense of excitement. You are considered special for your individuality, much in line with your non-living symbol which is quite artistic by nature. Women who fall under this sign are known to encapsulate men with their flawless charm, subtle flirtatiousness, and magnetic appeal. A Libran woman always yearns for balance and is in the constant search to achieve it. 

On the romantic front, you love the concept of falling in love deeply and are most suitable to get paired with the sun signs that are looking for a partner that has the zeal to do anything in life. Libra and romance go hand in hand and often prove to be the most perfect match. Ruled by the planet Venus, sensual can be the best term to describe a Libra woman. In terms of your love compatibility with other zodiacs, your ideal love match could be with an Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini and Taurus male. 

Ideal love match for Libra Woman

Libra and Aquarius

A Libra woman and an Aquarius man are considered one of the best matches among all-star signs. According to the charts, there are many things in common like being social, talkative, and enjoying the limelight of the crowd. If you are paired as a couple, then you can be considered as the luckiest, as the social life of you both will be quite a sophisticated one, fulfilling and rewarding. You both usually tend to enjoy pursuing and sharing your own individuality and thoughts with each other. A Libra women’s natural diplomacy also helps to counteract their male partner Aquarius. 

Libra and Sagittarius

A charmingSagittarius man and a pleasing Libra woman are likely to have a fruitful relationship in romance or love. Whatever the matter comes in your way, you both will deal with those challenges but never give up on your relationship. While Libran finds the creative way with their artistic nature to keep boring things interesting, your partner Sagittarius provides you mental stimulation with their strong personality and intellectualism. It is said that as long as a Sagittarian does not allow its love for independence to interfere with Libra’s need for a stable, and reliable partner, the relationship is meant to last forever.

Libra and Gemini

Talking about love compatibility and its traits, you both make for one of those ideal unions. A Libra woman and a Gemini man are perfectly suited for each other intellectually, sexually, and as well as socially. Both tend to value variety and enjoy a wide range of interests. A power couple full of passion, they both love to do everything in tandem and complement each other’s efforts. Two people who fall under this sign in love are guaranteed a harmonious union to last.

Libra and Taurus

You both seem to differ on many factors unlike the natural compatibility between a Libra woman and male zodiacs from the Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius zodiac. However, what works as a glue between you both is the same ruling planet, Venus. The romantic chemistry between a passive Taurus man and a proactive Libra woman becomes the foundation of a wonderful bond. If we talk about your balance in a love relationship, then an outgoing Libra woman complements the introvertish nature of a Taurus man perfectly. If you both cooperate well, then things between you both will turn out to be magical.


Air signs are the flirtatious social butterflies of the zodiac. That’s part of what makes dating a Libra zodiac sign such a fun and romantic experience. While there’s more to relationships than zodiac signs alone, looking to the astrology of love can help us all get on a more cosmic wavelength when it comes to romance. If you were born under the sign of the scales, knowing the most common mistakes Libras make in relationships and how to avoid them can make your love life feel a whole lot more balanced.

If you’re dating a Libra, you probably feel like you’re gallivanting around town with a socialite, because Libras are some of the most charming and trendy people around. Libra is an air sign, which explains why they build such strong mental connections with their lovers. They’re also the sign of partnerships, so they thrive in relationships love to indulge in all things romantic. Balance is important to this sign, so they’ll always try to be fair and diplomatic.

As an astrologer, I know that every zodiac sign has a unique way of approaching things in love and a different set of struggles to overcome when dealing with romance. And when it comes to astrological dating advice for Libras, the best thing to do is to avoid making the following common mistakes in relationships.

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Libras hate arguing more than any other sign, so they often try to be agreeable in an attempt to avoid any possible conflict with their partner. But disagreements are a natural part of a healthy relationship! If you’re a Libra, practice letting your partner know where you stand. Even if speaking up for yourself initially feels uncomfortable, you’ll be reminding yourself (and your mate) you’re nobody’s doormat.

2. Buying Love & Affection

Libras are ruled by luxurious planet Venus, which gives them an affinity toward decadent and romantic gestures. While thoughtful gifts can be a hallmark of a sweet romance, overdoing it can leave Libras vulnerable to being used by others. If you’re a Libra who’s bending over backwards to get into someone else’s good graces, ask yourself why you really want their approval so badly.

3. Overthinking Things

As the sign represented by the scales, Libras try to bring harmony and balance to everything they do. But endlessly weighing the pros and cons of every small decision makes Libras one of the zodiac signs most prone to overthinking. Looking at all sides of a situation is helpful but can cause frustrations in relationships if taken too far — so Libras should challenge themselves to let go of the little things and not dwell on every detail.

4. Never Being Single

Libras are ruled by love planet Venus, which is probably why romance can be so addictive to them. But jumping from relationship to relationship without spending any time alone to introspect can lead to a feeling of codependence. Libras should remember that there’s more to life than romantic love, and that it’s OK to be single and spend some time prioritizing their own needs.

5. Being Shallow About Dating

As sweet and as gracious as they are, aesthetic and high-minded Libras can sometimes make the mistake of putting too much emphasis on external attributes like good looks or money. If you’re a Libra looking for love, make sure you’re not falling for someone’s Instagram aesthetic, job title, or hot body instead of seeing them for who they really are.

6. Flirting Too Much

Libras are natural born flirts and social charmers, so they often end up batting their eyes at strangers without even meaning to. And while flirting may not be cheating, it can certainly open doors to temptation or give people the wrong idea. That said, Libras should be conscious about honoring boundaries in relationships — which might mean reeling in the flirtatiousness.

7. Staying In Relationships That Aren’t Working

Rather than engage in a conflict or risk starting drama with their significant other, Libras have a tendency to stay in relationships long after they’ve hit an expiration date. But by not speaking up about their dissatisfaction, they end up causing even more harm and drama — especially if they resort to heavy flirting or emotional cheating instead. If you’re a Libra, make sure to communicate with your lover and recognize when it’s time to end a relationship.

8. Not Keeping Your Word

Libras always want to look good in the eyes of their lover, but this quality can make them prone to consistently promising things they either cannot or don’t want to deliver. Instead of rushing to agree to everything your partner suggests or asks of you, consider whether you really have the bandwith or desire to do so. This can help prevent resentment down the road.

9. Over-Idealizing Their Partners

As one of the air zodiac signs, it’s easy for Libras to get lost in their many thoughts — and sometimes their fantasies, too. And because Libras love to be in love, they sometimes overlook glaring issues or red flags in relationships, especially during the honeymoon phase. Libras should get real with themselves about whether they’re actually compatible with someone before getting their emotions involved.

10. Always Having Their Partner Make Decisions

Libras are notorious for being indecisive, but always putting the ball in a partner’s court or taking too long to commit to anything can cause problems. It’s important for Libras to assert themselves in relationships and state their needs rather than always give their partner the last word — whether it’s about relationship dynamics or something as simple as where to go for dinner.

This article was originally published on Aug. 27, 2015

The Libra woman wants to feel love, to fall in love, and to find a partner that will provide her with that sense of belonging that she craves for so much.

However, she also wants to find equilibrium in her life, a balanced lifestyle, for her to have equitable relationships with the people around her.

Pros Cons
She only takes things at face-value.She is too cautious for her own good.
She takes good care of everyone.She is avoidant when it comes to confrontations.
She makes a charming companion.She can be a tease sometimes.

Especially with her partner, she doesn’t want any unfair or demeaning treatment or for him to act with superiority. Be fair with her, always listen to what she has to say, and it’ll be perfect.

She needs equality in her relationship

However adorable and charming she may appear on the outside, like a fragile and tender cutie, you’d better watch out because she’s very firm and resolute with her decisions as well.

The Libra woman wants to have peaceful and harmonious relationships with those around her, free exchanges of ideas and calm discussions, but if someone hurts or offends her, she will retaliate in force.

She wants to be treated like a human being, with respect and dignity, and given her ladylike persona, she also expects some romanticism there.

Equality is one of the most important things in her perspective, and she won’t ever abandon this principle. Act like a prick who expects his woman to do some things just because, and she’ll get sick of it.

She has quite the tastes and expectations of what she wants to do with you, so don’t take her to some boring and plain places because she won’t be impressed.

This woman is artsy and appreciates beauty wherever she sees it, so capitalize on that. In a relationship, while she might want to get her way in some regard, she won’t just disqualify your points of view from the beginning.

She will even be ready to abandon some of her desires just to reach a consensus, and this is quite admirable. She really knows how to put her acting skills to good use, to cherish and bask in the love of her partner, in the feeling of being loved and appreciated.

Venus gives this woman plenty of charisma and adorability to topple empires and conquer the hearts of men around the world.

She’s in love with the concept of beauty, of the aesthetic principles embedded in the world and the nature of man.

She will use these ideas in her sexual life, for example, where she puts her imagination to the test constantly. Romantic gestures are quite common to her, but she will eventually get bored with the routine. That’s when she’ll slow down, and you just have to wait for her next peak period.

This Libra woman wants to find perfection, a partner which will fulfil and meet all her expectations. She wants him to be romantic and give her a beautiful, shiny lifestyle in which she’ll bloom.

Moreover, she would expect him to know exactly how to please and impress a woman of her calibre, what to say and do, to be understanding and sympathetic to her problems, one to please her totally.

She wants to be passionate, to be romantically and emotionally conquered before anything physical.

The Libra woman is in love with being in love, and when she’s not in a long-standing relationship, she’ll be flirting all day long, going on romantic dates, long walks in the park, with admirers just around the corner.

However, when in a relationship, she wants to be given enough leeway to fulfil her desires, to have fun and be free, to talk to people, engage in flirt, and so on.

This is why a jealous and possessive partner will have quite the problems dealing with her tendencies. Her perfectionism can be quite the passion killer when she notices that no one can rise to her impossible standards, but enough romance and affection will make up for that.

Comfort and encourage her

Curiously enough, if her partner isn’t exactly what she wanted from life or if he doesn’t meet her expectations, she wants to actually fall out of love, to throw away her feelings, like it was something you could do because you wanted it.

The Libra woman is usually very determined and active in the pursuit of her happiness, and she will take what’s hers without asking for permission.

Men who lack this initiative and courage will be left behind from the get-go, and she won’t look back. She does respect the social norms, which is quite contradictory, but this is who she is.

Her intimate life will be marked by periods of extreme open-mindedness and keenness, but also of long stressful moments where she’s uncertain, unsure, unable to commit to anything.

If you comfort and encourage her, showing her that everything’s cool and nothing bad is going to happen, it might help quite a lot.

She will feel guilty and have a lot of regrets if you demean and criticize her for these insecurities though. With someone who understands and respects her, she will give free reign to her thoughts and desires.

Anything could happen with a Libra woman next to you. Today, she might be desirous, affectionate and loving, willing to show deep compassion, but tomorrow she might be self-centred, cold, and acid.

How can you deal with these spontaneous changes? The answer is simple. Just get to know her to the most intimate of details, how she reacts, what she likes and hates, and that she’s a very loyal partner in general.

If you understand her personality and resonate with it, if you have plans for the future and a great potential, she will be fair, understanding, and very dedicated to helping you.

Don’t even think that you can stop with the romantic attitude once you conquer her and you’re in a relationship. She’ll want to be complimented all the time, to see the smile on your face when she enters the room, to be admired for her beauty and intelligence.

Be understanding and realize that communication is key with this native. Any problems, anything that you want to change, to do differently, she will be quite happy and content that you talk about these things with her.

Don’t put your mark on her and never be possessive. She’s sociable in general, and you will have to indulge these escapades from time to time. Just be steady-minded and patient.

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The Libra Woman In Love: Are You A Match?

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What a Libra woman needs in a relationship?