How many chicken breasts a day Reddit

4 oz of chicken breast is 26.1 g protein. So 188 g protein would be 28.8 oz of chicken breast per day. That's 1.8 lbs of chicken.

You will almost definitely want to supplement this with protein powder and eggs so you're not eating almost 2 lbs of chicken every day, unless that sounds appealing to you. Also of course make sure you're getting enough vegetables etc.

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Posted by1 year ago


How many chicken breasts a day Reddit

I usually get 5 chicken breast and eat them throughout. Also, how many grams of protein are in one chicken breast?

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How many chicken breasts a day Reddit

level 1

I eat around 400g chicken a day, so around 2.8 kgs per week. It's just the most convenient and easy to digest (for my body) source of protein, so it is a main part of my diet.

My other protein sources are a lactose free whey and some lentils/chickpeas.

Everything else sadly makes my stomach sick or I have an allergy / intolerance to.

level 2

Yeah man you shouldn't eat all that chicken mate, that's gonna spike your cholesterol through the roof. Try to get the bulk of your protein from vegetable protein, it's the only scientifically proven way to maintain your CV health. Source:

level 1

I unno, I eat it once to three times a week. I rotate my protiens

level 1

I eat about 500g a week. The amount of protein depends on the weight of the chicken breast.

level 1

Maybe 3-4x a week, so 3-6 breasts/thighs usually. It's definitely my go-to for dinner, not a huge fan of beef or pork.

Also, how many grams of protein are in one chicken breast?

Since breasts come in wildly different sizes, it'd be best to weigh each one. USDA says 22.5g of protein per 100g of raw meat.

level 1

Depends on what diet you’re doing. Grass fed beef is generally more nutrient dense though and high in healthy fats. I think beef is generally a better alternative if you’re doing a low carb diet that is. If you’re doing higher carbs you wanna do lower fats, like chicken. I’m personally experimenting with carnivore and keto right now to see if my weight, muscle gains, or energy levels chance. Before I was doing low carb paleo.

level 1

6 to 10 chicken breasts per week. But it varies, sometimes it's just 2. Grams of protein are hard to calculate (I don't know exactly how much each chicken breast weighs, but I'd guesstimate around 60 grams of protein.

level 1

0 and I’m trying to not eat meat at all, where I live meat dirty asl and when I eat it I feel dirty myself.... I eat eggs and dairy tho

level 1

Hmm the username Beefboy seems suspicious. How do we know this isn’t Big Chicken trying to do some market research?

Posted by9 months ago


How many chicken breasts a day Reddit

I eat 200g but never go over because I'm worried about kidney function...

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How many chicken breasts a day Reddit

level 1

Just take a kidney supp if you’re really worried about it but to be honest bodybuilding in general isn’t very healthy despite what most people say and that’s something you have to come to terms with if you really are trying to be about this lifestyle

level 1

Why is the amount of protein you eat even an issue?

level 1

None unless I'm eating out.

level 1

Bruh, fuck my kidney. All about them gainssss 💅💅

level 1

200g of chicken is like one serving. On a cut I’ll eat 1000g a day

level 1

I've been eating around 500 grams of chicken since the last 8-9 months and have seen very good gains and no problem with digestion. My primary source of protein is chicken if you couldn't tell already.

level 2

damn thats like 125g of protein from chicken lol

level 1

Three beaks and 2 claws per meal

level 1

I don’t focus on the weight of chicken but how much protein it has, so for me around 30g for how much chicken there is to produce said protein amount.

I also drink a protein shake for the same amount if I cant be bothered cooking / swallow another meal

level 1

Pound of breast and a pound or ground turkey goes down almost every day.

level 1

250g boiled chicken breast everyday, seems to work for me perfectly. It messed up my nail colour when i first started it, but now it's all good coz my body is habitual of it.

Is 3 chicken breasts a day too much?

A 2018 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that analyzed 49 other studies determined that the ideal amount of protein per day for gaining muscle is 1.6 grams per kilogram of body mass. So, for a 160-pound person that would be 115 grams of protein per day or about 3 chicken 3.5-ounce skinless breasts.

How many chicken breasts should I eat a day?

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) Healthy U.S.-Style Eating Pattern recommends the average person eat 26 ounces of poultry (including chicken) per week. Per day, this would be roughly the same as eating 3.5 ounces of chicken breast.

Is 200g of chicken a day too much?

Not enough: Less than 200g a day 200g of chicken provides your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein: 0.8g per kilo of body weight. "If you're even slightly deficient in protein you can't build muscle tissue," says sports nutritionist Matt Lovell (

Is 500g of chicken breast too much?

It totally depends upon how much your body needs as 500grams of chicken will give almost 100 gm of protein. If your requirement is more than that amount it is fine to eat .